Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

S. Lemajic a ,Lj. Rasic b 
d Croatian Geodetic Institute, Savska 41/XVI, Zagreb, Croatia - slavko.lemajic@cgi.hr 
b State Geodetic Administration, Lastovska 23, Zagreb, Croatia - ljerka.rasic@dgu.hr 
Commission IV, WG IV/1 
KEY WORDS: Spatial Data Infrastructure, Spatial Database, Interoperability, Geo-Information Market, Metadata, Capacity 
Building, Quality Control, Quality Element, Orthophoto 
The establishment of the Croatian National Spatial Data Infrastructure has started at the beginning of the 1990's. The main agitator 
of the activities was the State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia. They started to build the documentation that 
describe vision and goals, while through studies and pilot projects they developed procedures and exact steps for realization of the 
goals. SGA by definition and its internal structure does not have production capacities. The production phase is commended to the 
private geodetic companies in public and open tenders. The specific triangle was completed through foundation of Croatian Geodetic 
Institute (CGI) according to the Law on state survey and real estate (NN, 1999). Since 2001 when Quality Control started CGI gave 
active support on improvement of geodetic products, topographic maps, topographic vector data, digital terrain model and 
orthophoto. Some of these products are included in first Croatian Geoportal. 
One of the basic tasks in creation of national spatial data 
infrastructure (NSDI) is production of spatial data to cover the 
whole territory of Croatia. 
The production of geodetic products is organized on specific 
way, the policy plans and budget is in hands of State Geodetic 
Administration (SGA, Figure 1.). Through cooperation with 
academic society and some private companies SGA established 
necessary documentation for data production. Private 
companies are included into open tenders for data production 
and independent Quality control process was established in 
Croatian Geodetic Institute to ensure the accurate data 
according to the Product Specifications that serves as a standard 
in production processes. Some improvements of specifications 
were made 2002-2004 by Croatian Norwegian Geoiformation 
Project (CRONO GIP) to follow International standards (ISO). 
In this paper is described purpose and role of QC system for 
establishment of Geoportal as system with main 
geoinformations for NSDI. 
2.1 Preparation activities 
The first predecessor activities on NSDI establishment in 
Croatia can be found in late 1990’s. In 1999 Croatian 
Parliament accepted the Law on State Survey and Real Estate 
Cadastre which defined founding of public institutions for state 
survey and real estate cadastre works - Croatian Geodetic 
Institute (CGI). One of the main tasks of CGI was quality 
control of SGA’s data. In continuation to the mentioned Law in 
2001 the Book of ordinance for topographic survey manner and 
state maps production was adapted. Trough those regulations 
official status of SGA’s data, actively topographic data and 
state maps was defined. State survey data that include also 
topographic data and state maps get official status after passing 
quality control process. Such data can be used for different 
purposes, especially for works and fulfilment tasks on state 
Therefore, adopting of Programme of State Survey and Real 
Estate Cadastre for the period 2001-2005 lunched significant 
production of several datasets. The holder of the Programme 
was the SGA. The SGA made a huge number of agreements 
with public institutions and regional and local self-government 
bodies in order to assure funds for data production that was 
outsourced to the private sector. The SGA has been also 
responsible for regulations, so the production model established 
in 2001 is shown in Figure 1 and was one of the first SDI 
op A ° 
^ IA Financing 
Quality control Production 
Figure 1. “Triangle” data production model 
First activities on the operational level can be seen in 
establishment on CROatian Topographic Information System 
(CROTIS) that started in 1996. In year 2002 CROTIS data 
model was approved by SGA and framework for production of 
digital topographic database was established. Trough CROTIS 
project standardization of topographic spatial data is comprised, 
that gives main and detailed solutions of topographic spatial 

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