Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
system in domain of data model, their collecting, processing, 
accuracy, way of presentation, topologie relations and their 
interchange. After CROTIS a set of product specification were 
produced. The whole production work is covered by seven 
Product specifications: Aerial Photography and Ground Control, 
Scanned Photos, Aerial Triangulation, Digital Terrain Model, 
Orthophoto, Topographic data and Topographic Map in scale 
1:25000 (TK25). After spatial data delivery finished the process 
of quality control in CGI can start according to implemented 
rules. Quality control documentation includes general 
documents (basic principles, guidelines for sampling), 
description of quality elements and sub-elements and check list 
for performing control. CROTIS and product specification are 
the base regulations for data production and above mentioned 
quality control process. 
2.2 Legal framework for SDI establishment 
In February 2007 the new Law on State Survey and Real Estate 
Cadastre (further: Law) entered into force. A novelty was a new 
chapter on SDI that gives definition of NSDI in Croatia. 
Metadata, content of metadata information, services, NSDI data 
and subjects that are obliged to participate in its establishment 
and maintenance, are defined and what is very important the 
Law gives institutional framework for NSDI establishment. 
According to the Law SDI body on the highest level is NSDI 
Council consisting of 15 members, representatives of different 
ministries and other state bodies, relevant scientific institutes, 
economy and profession. On the managerial level there is NSDI 
Committee consisting of two representatives from SGA, three 
from NSDI Council and heads of working groups. On the 
operational level there are working groups and special interests 
groups. SGA acts as coordination body responsible for 
coordination and technical support. SGA is also obliged to 
establish a national geoportal with metadata services for all 
NSDI data defined trough the Law. 
SGA has set general goals of implementing information 
technology. According to this vision, SGA has a key role in 
collecting and processing of spatial data in the present and will 
play a major role in organizing those data in a way that will 
enable their distribution to the end users in a friendly and easy- 
to-use manner in the future. 
At the same time of preparing the Law SGA launched a project 
for establishing of SGA’s geoportal. This project realizes 
organizing spatial data and their distribution, i.e. user access 
over the Internet. Main objective of this project is design, 
development and implementation of information system for 
sales of products, services and information from SGA's existing 
and future geospatial data portfolio over World Wide Web to 
various types of customers. The main objective of the Geoportal 
itself is to establish the Publish-Find-Bind pattern for SGA and 
other providers offered geospatial resources. Resources in that 
sense are of the following: 
Geospatial datasets (data-products) 
Geo Web Services 
(Web-)Applications and other undefined resources. 
descriptions of all resources and allows users and other 
applications/portals to query and find these resources. Once a 
resource is found, the Geoportal aids the user in the evaluation- 
process by presenting the metadata in a user-friendly way. The 
metadata records are also accessible for engine-to-engine access 
in a standardized ISO-based structure. One of the key- 
objectives of this project is to establish the ordering-process 
(www-sales) for SGA's geospatial data products. 
In the first phase of SGA geoportal development five databases 
are included, creating functionalities among them, data 
distribution system through the Internet. Scanned Croatian base 
map at the scale 1:5000, digital ortophoto maps at the scale 
1:5000 and scanned cadastral maps in various scales will be 
available on geoportal in the first phase. It will also realize links 
to existing databases of central register of spatial units and 
database of permanent geodetic control points. SGA’s geoportal 
is the first approach to the national geoportal and will be in 
function middle 2008. 
In comparison of Inspire Annexes I and II with NSDI data 
defined trough the Law, it is visible that a significant number of 
spatial data themes are under SGA responsibility. Consequently, 
only data that have passed quality control process will be 
available on geoportal, at the moment SGA’s geoportal and in 
the future national one. SGA will assure a set of data under its 
responsibility easily accessible on geoportal, and what is 
important to stress there are official data with assured quality, 
according to the adapted regulation for state survey and 
cadastre data (figure 2). 
CGI and SGA 
Figure 2. Official state survey and cadastre data on geoportal 
One of the main tasks of the SGA is to cover the whole territory 
with spatial state survey and cadastre data and to make data 
with assured quality available and easily accessible to the whole 
community. This principle will avoid duplication of data 
production what is one of the main Inspire principles. In the 
first phase of this Geoportal SGA becomes a Croatian provider 
of basic services to easily register, execute and integrate 
external (standardized) Gl-Services across the Internet and SGA 
Geoportal becomes the first national Geoportal, accessible by 
the whole Croatian Gl-Community (consumers and providers). 
According to the Law, SGA is obliged to establish also 
metadata service for other NSDI data that are not under SGA 
responsibility, till 2010. SGA geoportal will be the base for 
national geoportal which will follow Inspire implementing rules 
The Geoportal offers a metadata-driven catalogue-service for 
publish-and-find functionality. The catalogue contains metadata

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