Survey of Bangladesh
Planning and Management of National Mapping and Surveying
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) support information discovery, access and use of this information in the decision-making process
together with the associated infrastructures that is Geographical information is vital to make sound decisions at the local, regional and
global levels. Flood mitigation, Community land use assessments, Environmental restoration, Business development, Disaster
recovery and Crime Management are just few examples of areas in which decision-makes are benefiting from geographic
information. Application of SDI and GIS is equipped with standard administrative code which administrative code which will be the
key for joining the spatial data and attribute statistical data.This technical report dwelt on the constructing and utilizing Spatial data
infrastructure (SDI) in pilots areas. It involves creation of features in theme Layers and their corresponding attribute information in
theme tables. The overview of GIS technology, data acquisition, data management and analysis is also covered. The main purpose of
my this study is to highlight on application of GIS knowledge To manage spatial information.
1. General Description of Location (Narita)
Profile of
Historical sights, water, greenery,
and an Intmiational airport
popular fishing spot and to the Southeast lies the Flokuso plains
with its many Golf courses and Peanuts fields.
Narita is one of the famous Tourist City in Japan. This City is
about 131 Square Kilometers in area with a population of
approximately 90,000 (1996 Survey). It is located in the North
of Chiba Prefecture divided from Ibaraki Prefecture by the
Bando Taro (Tone River) rapids. To the West lies Lake Imba, a