Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
For this reason, post-processing of scanned data is common. 
Scanned raster images are useful as a background for vector 
data, as they provide good spatial context and assist 
Sheet No. 39 was Geo. Tip (Format) for Scanning by Occ. Scan 
Software, the resolution was 300 DPI, Jasc. Paint Shop Pro 9 
(Image Software). For Normalization Software raster-vector 
Mix Type Software, that is Aupier-Gigalay, version 3.0 used for 
Geo-referencing of Plane-Rectangular Coordinate. 
The software used to handle data is Arc Map GIS version 9, 
one of the powerful GIS software providing tools needed to 
query and analyze the data and present the result as a quality 
map by using windows as an operating system. 
5.2.1 Getting Data in Arc Map GIS 
Arc Map GIS links sets of features to their attributes in layer 
and manage the in a View. An Arc Map layer can be created 
from a variety of geographic data sources such as spatial data, 
scanning, computer aided design (CAD) drawing, images and 
others data sources. In this study, layers are created from several 
types of spatial and image data sources. This geographic data 
sources fall into two categories: features data sources and image 
data sources. 
Arc Map GIS has it’s own format called Shape Files (.shp), for 
storing features and attributes, it is created by converting other 
spatial data sources (such as Arc Catalog), by drawing shapes in 
layers created or by using tabular data containing locations 
5.2.2 Data input 
The basic data is expressed in spatial vectors data well 
structured in different layers such as facility building, road 
network, boundary so on, with their attributes. 
Create topology: The ability to create digitized lines that are 
intelligently connected to form polygons or networks. Ideally, 
the process is automatic and includes simple error correction 
procedures to join line endpoints within specified tolerance 
distance or remove small overshoots. More serious errors 
should be highlighted on-screen for you to edit and correct 
using standard graphical editing functions. 
Edge matching: The join created by edge matching needs to be 
topological as well as graphical. A line joined by edge matching 
should become a single line. Edge matching functions should be 
able to handle small gaps in data, slight discrepancies, 
overshoots and missed and double lines. The gaps and errors 
cannot be handled automatically. Edge matching functions 
should allow it to set a tolerance limit for automatic editing. 
Adding attributes: Attributes are characteristics of geographic 
features (points, lines and areas). They are typically stored in 
tabular format and linked to the features. 
Reformatting Digital data: Reformatting ensures accessibility or 
assists conversion to the system software format. Reformatting 
data should be topologically and graphically compatible with 
other data in GIS. 
In study areas, same scale digital data were input into the 
computer system to serve as basic data. The digital large scale 
map at the scale of 1:2500 was in vector format .The basic 
digital data from large scale map were obtained as image data 
sources in the raster format structure. 
6. Data Manipulation: 
In Arc Map editing of a layer is done only if it is based on a 
shapefile. A shapefile Is the Arc Map GIS format for storing 
geometry and attribute information for a set of geographic 
features. The geometry for a feature is stored as a shape, 
comprised of a set of vector (point, line and polygon) 
coordinates. Since the obtained data already available in digital 
form in shapefile format it was possible to be used as basis for 
manipulation and creation of new theme layer for the study. 
6.1 Creation of Layers 
In this project creation of layers actually involved creation of 
new, empty layers 
For construction of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the 
selected area in part of Narita City large scale Map 1: 2500. 
Thirteen (13) shapefiles each of each of which named 
corresponding to a particular spatial data infrastructure were 
created. Each ArcMap shapefiles was added to a project map as 
a layer by choosing “New Layer” from the View menu one at a 
time ready for adding features and attributes separately. 
Based on existing features and image data as reference or 
background layer 
Features were drawn in a map using appropriate drawing tools. 
For the case of Ground Control Point and Trees features were 
added as Point layer, Area Boundary, Contours, Railroads, 
Roads, and Roads Under-constructions features were added as 
line layers and Boundary, Embankment, House, Landuse, 
Rivers and Vegetation were added as Polygon Layers. When a 
new layer is created in ArcMap a layer table is automatically 
created. ArcMap add an empty record to the table for each new 
feature added to the layer. Initially this table only has two fields, 
Shape and ID when first opened. New fields were added were 
necessary and attribute information for a feature entered into a 
table immediately after a feature drawn. In ArcMap the layer 
table must contain a field that stores data for the hot linking is 
created which is defined in Layer properties. Creation of hot 
links allows clicking on the feature to display additional data 
linked to that feature. 
6.2 Adding features and attributes to the new Layer 
The main objectives of this individual study(Project) is to 
create Spatail Data Infrastructure (SDI). For Framework data 
(database) is to realize a Houses map; the feature data collected 
in this field on the maps and the terrain has to be added as a 
polygon layer. An empty new map 2 is created in the view 
menu then the road and landuse data of the digital map data 
stored in map 1 are displayed in this new map as a geo- 
referential data. 
Every feature layer are linked to a layer attribute table, easy to 
open for the Active layer by clicking the open layer table 
button . Making the view table active we start editing and each 
polygon representing a house is drawn using the appropriate 
tool. The information relative to this feature is recorded on the

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