Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
8. Conclusion 
Bangladesh like any other developing country, is now 
modernizing its Topographic surveying and map production 
processes. The conventional (traditional) 
Map-making process is changing bringing it from analogue to 
digital domain.The target is to have the whole map production 
process into digital system with the view to provide good 
services to the general citizens. For this reasons, understanding 
of ArcMap GIS to me through this individual study (project) is 
quite appropriate and timely at this end. 
Nowadays GIS is one of the best technology which is most 
commonly used all over the world for urban planning purpose, 
management of natural resources, land use and many other 
application fields. In this individual study (project) laid on 
simple application of GIS, the main objective was to collect 
data in different sources organize and structure this data for 
constructing a Spatial Data Infrastructure. In spite of the 
difficulties met during operations in the data collection but also 
handling this data in ArcMap GIS because lack of deep 
knowledge concerning the software, the objective of this project 
has been achieved. 
As an individual study it was very beneficial for me because I 
have learn a lot in ArcMap GIS, and those knowledge acquired 
this project will be helpful for my professional work. 
Finally, I would like to approach to the GSI management 
through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to 
extend more training opportunities to other Bangladeshi 
participants to take part in Arc Map GIS knowledge particularly 
Version 9 to enable the country achieve its goal in mapping 
George B. Korte, P. E, The GIS Book. 
Peter A. Burrough and Rachael A. McDonnell, Principal of 
Geographic Information System. 
David J. Maguire, Michael F. Goodchild and David W. Rihind, 
Reese W. Plews, Introduction to Arc GIS (Lecture Notes) 
Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI), Getting 
to know Arc GIS. 
Roger Tomlinson, Thinking About GIS. 
Michael Minami, Using ArcMap. 
The SDI Cookbook. 
United State Geological Survey (USGS), Science for a 
changing world: Home Page, 
Dedicated to my parents who struggled so much to see 
me through education to make me what I am today. 
First of all I would like to thanks the Almighty GOD “ALLAH” 
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, for allowing me to attend 
the Administrative and Technical Group Training Course in 
“ Planning and Management of National Mapping and 
Surveying”. I would like to express my humble gratitude and 
appreciation to the Government of Japan (JICA) and 
Government of Bangladesh for providing me this opportunity to 
participate in this group training course. This is a great 
opportunity for me to up grade my knowledge and skill with 
advanced technologies in the field of Surveying and Mapping. 
Especially I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to all 
Executive Staff and Mr. Kazuhiko AKENO, Head of 
International Affairs Division of Geographical Survey Institute 
(GSI), to other related instructors for providing their all out 
efforts, generous advice and cooperation to make the training 
fruitful one. 
I would like to express my cordial thanks to my advisor 
Mr.Kohsei TANAKA 
Deputy Head of National Large Scale Mapping Division and 
Chief of No.l Mapping Section, Topographic Department of 
Geographical Survey 
Institute (GSI) for his good guidance, advice and assistance 
during my preparation of this report. 
wish to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Yoshihide ITO, Mr. 
Atsushi YUHARA, Ms. Junko KUSUMOTO, Ms. Yaeko 
OKAMOTO and all other staffs for their cooperation, 
inspiration and necessary instructions during my stay in Japan. 
Further, I would like to thank Executive and Staff of JICA & 
TBIC and Japanese people for their advice, encouragement and 
warm- hearted support throughout my stay in Japan. 
Finally I would like to thank my beloved wife Afruza Nasreen 
Ahmed (Supti) and my son Md. Shabah bin Mosharaf (Nafi) for 
their patience, inspiration, warm message of hope, cooperation 
and understanding and being with me in absentia during my 
stay in Japan, which made me possible to complete my course. 
Douglas D. Nebert,

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