Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

rt B4. Beijing 2008 
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Uniscan and Alice-SC Ground Stations and Development of Their Networks 
Gershenzon V.E.and Gershenzon O.N 1395 
Matching of High Resolution Satellite Image and Tree Crown Map 
Mamoru Kubo and Ken-lchiro Muramoto 1401 
Comparisation of Spatial Accuracy of Data Acquaried from Mono and Stereo Images: a Case Study of 
Campus Area Konya -Turkey 
O.Mutluoglu, M. Yakar, H.M.Yilmaz and F.Yildiz 1405 
Mapping from High Resolution Data in GIS SOFIA Ltd. 
T.Madzharova, V.Petrova, K.Ivanova and M.Koeva 1409 
An Investigation of Digital Orthophotos for Large Scale Mapping and Cadastre Renovation 
S.Bakici, B.Erkek and Dr.O.Yildirim 1413 
Extraction of 3D Straight Lines Using LIDAR Data and Aerial Images 
A.Miraliakbari, M.Hahn, H.Arefi and J.Engels 1417 
A Comparison Between Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) and Srtm Data of Mount Carleton in New 
Brunswick (Canada) 
Frederic Happi Mangoua and Kalifa Goita 1423 
Theme Session: Realtime and Incremental Updating of Core Databases 
Spatial Database Challenges for Framework Data and Location-Based Services 
Mike Jackson and Peter Woodsford 1431 
Classification and Identification of Cadastral Structure Change 
Xiao-Guang Zhou and Jun Chen and Marguerite Madden 1437 
"Farm-Map on Internet" Geospatial Infrastructure and Web Map Services - a State of the Art for the 
Agricultural Sector 
Flildegunn Norheim 1447 
Research on Parallel Bulk-Loading R-Trees Based on Partition Technology of Database 
Zhou Qin, Zhong Ershun and Huang Yaohuan 1449 
Dom Quality Evaluation Based on Multi-Level Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment of Entropy Weights 
Quanhua Zhao and Weidong Song 1457 
Development of the United States National Land Cover Database: Experience from 1992 and 2001 
Limin Yang 1461 
Entity Matching in Vector Spatial Data 
Fu Zhongliang and Wu JianhuA 1467 
Theme Session: Lunar Exploratory Missions 
Cartography for Lunar Exploration: 2008 Status and Mission Plans 
R.L.Kirk, B.A.Archinal, L.R.Gaddis, and M.R.Rosiek 1473 
General Architecture Design of Lunar Pojection System 
Lu Xiaohua, Deng Shujun and Ma Jun 1491 
Web-GIS Based Collaboration Environment Using Scientific Data of the Moon 
J.Terazono, N.Asada, H.Demura, N.Hirata, K.Saiki, A.lwasaki, R.Oka, T.Hayashi, T.Suzuki, H.Miyamoto, 
J.Haruyama, M.Ohtake, T.Matsunaga 1497 
Theme Session: Early Warning Systems for Natural Hazards 
Indian Tsunami Warning System, Shailesh Nayak 
Shailesh Nayak and T. Srinivasa Kumar. 1501

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