Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
processing of data was made in the same work stations. In both 
cases, the primary product was presented by the digital aero- 
In what regards the approach of the first digital system, the 
most compliant photo-aerial cameras used in our country were 
Leica RC 20 (or 30), Zeiss RMK 1000 or TOP RMK 15, 
generally having a linear resolution of approximately 60 pairs 
of lines/mm (amounting to a pixel size of 5,8 pm), and one of 
the devices used for scanning the film was DVS 600 from Leica 
In what regards the approach of the second digital system, the 
most offering aerial cameras were ADS-40, DMC and 
UltraCam-D, and the first thing that could be noticed was the 
huge volume of processed primary data, apparently redundant. 
In the next period, we propose to approach the so-called 
“projection phase” referring to the two image collection 
processes in digital photogrammetry, the institutional frame and 
the special legislative foresights, the concepts of orthophotoplan 
and index cadastral plan, the strategy and revamping in the field. 
2.1 The project in transition (the hybrid procedure): using 
the classic aerial camera 
It is certain that, in terms of efficiency, the cadastral works on 
large surfaces of the country can only be realized with the help 
of digital photogrammetry, even in the conditions of the hybrid 
procedure. In the first year of integration (2007), the Romanian 
firms continued to realize data processing through aero- 
photography, using compliant photo cameras in collaboration 
with the specialized firms abroad; the collection of primary data 
was conditioned by the digitalization of aerial images with the 
help of the scanning station, keeping into account the classified 
information protection standards established by the national law, 
after which the final products, the DTM and the orthophotoplan, 
were realized by Romanian specialists in the digital work 
2.2 The post-transition project (the complete procedure): 
using digital aerial cameras 
This procedure refers to the first component of the digital 
photogrammetric system which uses opto-electronic cameras, 
based on devices interlinked by charge, Change Coupled 
Device (CCD) and realizes the direct digital data collection, 
with a high geometric and radiometric resolution, with a 
longitudinal overlapping of up to 95%, panchromatic, RGB 
color (multispectral) and NIR. The second component is 
represented by the digital work station which, by using 
compliant computers and adequate software, achieves the 
collection of digital photogrammetric images up to the 
obtaining of final photogrammetric products. 
The main medium and large format digital aerial cameras, 
offered by the world leaders in geomatics are: Z/I Imaging 
DMC (Digital Mapping Camera) of the Intergraph company 
(USA), ADS-40 (Airborne Digital Sensor) of the Leica 
Geosystems company (Switzerland), UltraCam-D, offered by 
the Vexcel company (Canada). For the general cadastre on large 
surfaces, in Romania, the DMC digital aerial camera was used, 
and for the general and specialized cadastre (urbanistic real 
estate), the ADS-40 digital aerial camera was used. 
There is a proposal launched within the RSPRS Conference in 
2005 and retaken during the RSPRS Symposium in 2007 
regarding the creation of a aero-photography unit equipped with 
large format digital cameras, as a result of the main Romanian 
profile firms’ in the country cooperation. 
2.3 The governmental institutional framework 
The institutional framework is ensured, according to the law, by 
the National Agency of Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising 
(NACREA), having under operation the National Center of 
Geodesy, Cartography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
(NCGCPRS), and at a county (regional) level, the Offices of 
Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising (OCREA). The Geodes 
Order in Romania issues, under the conditions of the law, 
authorizations for the execution of works in the field for private 
firms or entitled individuals who participate to the organization 
of auctions. 
In order to achieve its objectives, the NACREA - as a unique 
state authority in the public sector - fulfills a series of important 
functions (strategy, readjustment, guidance, representation, etc.), 
and for their realization it has a series of corresponding 
attributions; mainly, it coordinates, executes and controls, 
through the means of the NCGCPRS, the works in its field of 
activity, including the processing of digital photogrammetric 
images and the verification of the orthophotoplan’s production 
By taking data from the Military Topographical Direction, the 
NACREA mainly ensures the execution and maintenance of the 
national geodesic network, but also various phases within the 
digital photogrammetric works. 
At a regional level, the OCREA organizes the auction for 
general cadastre works (which will be realized with the help of 
digital photogrammetry, by using both procedures - hybrid or 
complete) and ensures the registration of terrains and buildings 
in the cadastral evidences and the real estate advertising. 
Through ordinances of the resort minister, methodological 
norms have been established regarding the introduction of the 
general and specialized cadastre, and also rules of notice, 
reception and verification of the works in the fields of activity. 
2.4 Special legislative foresights regarding the exploitation 
of photogrammetric works 
Through Governmental Decision no. 585/2002, with the ulterior 
modifications and completions, protection standards are 
established, at a national level, for classified information and 
the conditions of aero-photography activities upon certain 
objects, areas or places of special importance, aiming for the 
protection of state secret information. For taking aerial images 
with analogical and digital cameras at a flight scale larger than 
1:20,000, the issue by the NROSSI (National Registry Office of 
State Secret Information) of a special authorization is 
Both the operations of aerial film developing, within the hybrid 
procedure, and the operations of general declassification of 
aerial images (scanned or digital) are realized in collaboration 
with the Military Topographic Direction (MTD) from within

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