Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry’, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
(1) NCGCPRS: the technology and management in 
producing the orthophotoplan: 
In collaboration with the MATRA (later the EADS) from 
France, the NCGCPRS initiated and equipped the technological 
line for the digital photogrammetric system, the latter being 
mainly formed by the DSW 600 digital scanner, two work 
stations for aero-triangulation, two work stations for DTM 
generation, eight work stations for 3D stereo-restitution, two 
high resolution color plotters, to which we add 13 GIS work 
stations. At the same time, for the realization of automatic 
digital aero-triangulation, the NCGCPRS is equipped with two 
compliant management systems: the PHODIS system, from 
Carl Zeiss in Jena (acquired in 1997) and the ORIMA system - 
SocetSet, from Leica Geosystems (acquired recently). 
A few national interest objectives of the Center must be 
mentioned, such as: the actualization of topographic plans at a 
scale of 1:5,000 (information source for the cadastral plans); the 
realization of infrastructure projects for agriculture, industry, 
transport and tourism; the inventorying and management of 
natural resources; studies regarding the setup of the territory, 
the protection of the environment and the establishment of 
measures for fighting natural disasters. 
Among the major achievements of the NCGCPRS in the field of 
digital photogrammetry using both procedures, registered just 
before the year 2007, we remember: the aero-triangulates for 
cities; the scanning of urban negatives, but also the start of film 
archive scanning from the National Geodesic Fund (to compose 
the database of the digital archive); the participation to the 
creation of orthophotoplans on a scale of 1:2,000, for urban 
areas and a scale of 1:1,000, for country and municipality 
residences; the verification of orthophotoplans realized as a 
result of aero-photographs taken; the participation to the 
Euroregional Map Program for the integration of digital 
topographic information in Romania at a scale of 1:250,000 and 
the juggling of the national SDI with the community SDI. 
Referring to the specialized (thematic) cadastres, they are 
realized in the purpose of collecting data specific to various 
fields (specialized GISs), like in the case of the real estate- 
urbanistic cadastre (for example, in Craiova Municipality) in 
order to integrate them in geographic informational systems of 
the general cadastre (for example, in Galati Municipality). 
(2) MTD: the technology and management in producing the 
From the beginning, we will mention that the products and 
studies realized by the Military Topographic Direction are not 
only solicited by military users, but also by civilian ones. For 
the first user category, along with Romania’s adherence to 
NATO, started the actualization process of military topographic 
maps at a scale of 1:50,000 in a new standard format, so that, up 
to 2012, this map will be realized in a vector format, having as 
source the existent topographic map, completed, for the 
actualization with new aero-photographs. In the process of 
realization, the FACC Catalogue from the DIGEST standard is 
implemented by VMAP 2, and the vectorizing is made with the 
program ArcGIS 8.3 and PLTS 3.1. 
In order to obtain current aerial images, the MTD uses the 
RC30 photo camera, modernized with the ASCOT system. 
After the scanning of the aerial film, with the DSW600 digital 
work station, for the image processing Leica Photogrammetry 
Suite software is used (the dimension of the pixel on the ground 
is of 50-60 cm). Next comes the obtaining of the orthoimage, 
then the ortho-rectification, using DTM and, finally, after the 
actualization, the orthophotoplan. 
For the second user category, the MTD also responded to the 
requests of a number of public institutions and private agents. 
For example, in 2002, this Direction executed, in the benefit of 
the Ministry of External Affairs, the project regarding the 
evolution of Danube’s shores on the border. After an aero- 
photograph executed on the border and the realization of 
Danube’s course orthophotomap, the data resulted was 
compared to that already existent, noticing the clogging of the 
river on the studied sector, registering “territorial gains” for 
both countries. At the same time, in the benefit of the private 
Company “Deva Gold Corporation”, the orthophotomap of the 
mine areas in Ro§ia Montana and Certej was realized. Next, we 
propose to approach the so-called “execution phase” referring 
to the case studies in the field of general cadastre and thematic 
cadastre and the verification of the technological flux for 
obtaining the orthophoto products. 
3.1 General cadastre 
3.1.1 Using the RMK Top 15 classic camera: 
The technical data regarding the AERO 07 national project: 
(1) Flight scale 1:25,000; 
(2) 23x23 cm color photograms; 
(3) Pixel dimensions on scanner 16 pm; 
(4) Orthophotoplan scale 1:5,000; 
(5) Pixel dimensions on orthophotoplan 0.5x0.5 m; 
(6) DTM precision ± 1.0 m; 
(7) Orthophotoplan precision ± 1.5m. 
3.1.2 The management phases in producing the 
orthophotoplans (an example): 
(a) Aero-photography at a county level, using the RMK Top 15 
camera to realize the AERO 07 national project; 
(b) Notices: the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative 
Reform, the Romanian Information Service, the Military 
Topographic Direction, the Aeronautic Authority; 
(c) The discovery and masking of the areas with special 
(d) The aero-triangulation, which is effectuated at the digital 
photogrammetric station from the THEOTOP headquarters, 
using the Mach AT (Inpho GmbH, Germany) program and the 
GPS coordinates of the photogram projection centers in the 
national work systems (Stereo ’70 and the Black Sea ’75). 
Because of the method applied and the possibilities of 
automatic error detection, the bloc compensation precision was 
lower than 7 microns; 
(e) The Digital Terrain Model (DTM), which was also 
determined at the work station, using the following software: 
Mach T, GVE SCOP ++, DT Master Stereo (Inpho GmbH) as 
follows: for the stereoscopic visualization from the first phase, 
GVE and SCOP ++ were used as software, and for the 
stereoscopic visualization of the DTM, DT Master Stereo was 
used as software. The DTM and precision verification were 
realized in accordance with the technical specifications;

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