Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
(f) The digital orthophotoplan, which was realized with 
OrthoMaster software, mainly using: color aerial photograms, 
scanned at 16 microns, the aero-triangulation points in the 
Stereo ’70 and the Black Sea ’75 systems, and also DTM in 
ASCII XYZ format. The orthophoto-rectified photograms were 
transformed into mosaics with the help of the Ortho Vista 
software, and the orthophoto mosaics eventually became TIFF 
World format. For its accordance with the technical 
specifications, the orthophotoplan constituted the object of a 
number of verifications regarding its precision, with the 
elimination of eventual radiometric or geometric errors. 
3.2 The general cadastre and the thematic cadastres 
3.2.1 The use of digital aerial cameras: 
(1) The DiMAC digital aerial camera. The first 
photogrammetric flight in Romania was done in 2004 by the 
INTERGIS Company with a dual-motor plane (Beechcraft type) 
of the CICADE Company, equipped with a DiMAC (Digital 
Modular Aerial Camera) digital modular aerial camera. Making 
the terrain captures directly on CCD eliminates the information 
losses determined by their processing on film (by avoiding the 
developing and scanning stations). The superior radiometric 
resolution allows a better visibility in shadowed areas (the case 
of high buildings in urban centers). 
(2) The DMC digital aerial camera. Based on a CCD sensor 
matrix, the Z/I Imaging DMC camera (Digital Mapping Camera) 
is the result of a “joint venture” between Intergraph (with the 
electronic part) and Zeiss (with the optical part), which ensures 
a better geometrical precision for the photogrammetric 
applications. It was used in 2005 by the THEOTOP firm in 
collaboration with the GEODIS firm in the AERO 07 national 
(3) The ADS-40 digital aerial camera. The Leica Geosystems 
ADS-40 camera (Airborne Digital Sensor) was used in 2006 by 
the Geotop 2001 firm in collaboration with the GRUP FITT 
firm, in realizing the photogrammetric flight on the entire 
surface of Ia§i Municipality. 
3.2.2 The management phases in producing the 
3.2.3 In the case study effectuated by the GEOTOP 2001 
firm, the flight was realized at a height of 480 m above the 
urban area, in order to ensure the orthophotoplan at a scale of 
1:500. As shown at point 2, the general cadastre was 
approached according to the index cadastral plan concept and 
realized on the basis of the orthophotoplan; at the same time, 
the real estate-urbanistic cadastre was approached according to 
the GIS system. In our situation, the index cadastral plan 
contains the graphical representation, in digital format. In this 
purpose, the similar phases of the orthophotoplan production 
flux are the following: 
(a) Aero-photography which, as we know, was realized with the 
ADS-40 large format camera; 
(b) The notices and (c) The discovery and masking of the areas 
with special destination, were resolved by respecting the special 
legislation mentioned; 
(c) The aero-triangulation, process realized in a manner similar 
to that used in conventional photogrammetry. The advantages 
of the current process are given by ORIMA software which 
facilitates the GPS and IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) data 
processing referring to the position of the flying device, but also 
the use of other systematic partners’ capacities. 
(d) The DTM and (f) the Orthophotoplan, which have also used 
Leica specific software, such as LPS, SocetSet and respectively 
ORIMA and StereoAnalyst. 
For the realization of textual databases, the necessary 
information is extracted from the existent technical 
documentations, and also from the data collected on the field. 
3.3 The verification of the orthophotoplan production flux 
The verification of the quality in orthophotogrammetric 
products for various projects keeps into account the creation of 
the following files and reports: 
(1) . Internal verification file (realized by the executant); 
(2) . External verification report, realized by an authorized 
expert (for ex. COWI or the Faculty of Geodesy, TUCEB); 
(3) . Verification report of the NACREA Commission. 
Amongst those competent to verify the NACREA provisioned 
works, we remind NCGCPRS. The enframing in certain 
tolerances and the fulfillment of certain conditions are specified 
in the “technical norms” elaborated by the NACREA or in the 
“task books” created on the occasion of the auctions organized 
for the realization of national projects. Let us see which the 
main phases are referring to the verification of photogrammetric 
The photogrammetric flight (100% verification). Obtained on 
the basis of a flight project and realized regardless of the aerial 
camera nature, the photogrammetric flight is assisted by the 
GPS system, in order to determine the coordinates of the 
projection center, by the GPS/IMU system, in order to 
determine the exterior elements and the LASER system, for the 
acquiring of DTM data. The verification starts with the analysis 
of the provisioning method for the images following the aero- 
photography, of the aero-photographed surfaces, of the quality 
of aerial images and of the photogrammetry checking points’ 
The aero-triangulation verification (100% verification). It is 
verified if the data obtained is in accordance with the values in 
the technical execution specifications, as follows: the medium 
square error, the maximum error of the connection points, the 
error of the ground control points, the distribution of connection 
and control points. The verification of the digital aero- 
triangulation project was made by importing data files in the 
software (LPS or SocetSet) and by using the analysis “tools” of 
the program to visualize results. 
The DTM verification (10% verification). Both the standard 
deflections in the independent control points from the existent 
databases and the control points in the aero-triangulation 
process were verified. 
The verification is made on the TIN created with the help of 
CAD type programs. The differences between the quotas read 
on the TIN and the ones known before must not surpass the 
tolerances foreseen in the technical norms of in the task books. 
The orthophotoplan verification (10% verification). The 
orthophoto verification is made starting with the image files 
which must fulfill the following conditions:

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