Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

Y.F. Ling a ’ b ’\ G.M. Huang b , J.X. Gao a , Z.Zhao b , L.Pang b 
a Chinese Academy of Survey and Mapping, 16 Beitaiping Road, Beijing - 
lingyufei2008, huang.guoman, panglei.mail@163.com,zhengzhao@casm.ac.cn 
b School of Environmental and Spatial Informatics, CUMT, Xuzhou -jxgao@cumt.edu.cn 
KEY WORDS: SAR Reference Image, Spatial Database, ArcSDE, Information Insurance System, Spatial Analysis 
This paper aims at the characteristics of the data source, the requirements of the database establishing, studies the theory of spatial 
database, ComGIS and some relative key technique, discusses the pattern of database establishing, the organizing and storing mode 
of the data. Then the logical and physical model of SAR reference image database is proposed. The prototype of the information 
insurance system is designed and implemented finally. Oracle and ArcSDE is used to build the SAR reference image information 
insurance system. C/S pattern is adopted. The design of database is based on ArcSDE technology, and the development of the 
system is based on VC and ArcEngine. The final system achieves the requirements. It provides efficient concurrency accessing 
mechanism, fine security mechanism and flexible index mechanism. It can build quick index, manage spatial data and property data 
integrity in a transparent way, achieving data updating and sharing. SAR reference image information insurance system satisfies the 
needs of data import and update, data browse, spatial query and analysis. Data in the system can also output to be the given format to 
support for load preparation. Ultimately, a certain target region is taken for example and it shows that the design scheme is 
practicable and has some instructional meaning. 
With the development of remote sensing and photogrammetry, 
spatial data with abundant information can be obtained easily. 
Data increases geometrically as a result of the improvement of 
sensors. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), a kind of imaging 
radar, is an active illumination system using microwave. Its 
appearance makes up the limitations in difficult situations by 
optical sensors. So SAR is widely used in the projects of water 
conservancy, agriculture, oceanography, geology, 
environmental monitoring etc. Particularly, SAR can provide 
unique images representing the electrical and geometrical 
properties of a surface in daylight or at night in nearly all 
weather conditions without national boundaries limitations, and 
with high resolution; it can penetrate through certain veils, 
disguises and blindages. So it is used widely and successfully in 
military to support for missile guidance. 
In recent years, many scholars are researching on SAR image 
processing and reference images preparation. As the data 
increases, more and more information is accumulated, whereas 
it cannot be managed efficiently. Although there are some 
commercial DBMS for images, such as TarraServer(Li J. et al, 
2005), but there is not a ready-made system or model that can 
satisfy the requirements of data organization and management 
of target regions for SAR reference images. Therefore, to 
establish a database for reference image preparation and missile 
guidance is absolutely necessary. 
After analyzing the characteristics of the data source, the 
logical and physical model of the database is proposed in this 
paper. Then the prototype of SAR reference image information 
insurance system based on GIS is implemented. The data can be 
visited and managed by asynchronous buffering, spatial index, 
and distributed management. The system is benefit for data 
management and updating. It can serve as the data source 
guarantee for battling, and can also provides decision making 
support for headquarters, which makes the information 
insurance develop towards systematic, automatic and intelligent, 
and plays an important role in our national defense. 
Database is the core of the information insurance system, which 
including multi-source data with large quantity. High security 
requirement for the data is recommended because it is used in 
military. How to build a database to organize these data 
reasonablely and efficiently will directly influence the 
capability of the system. 
2.1 Spatial Database Establishing 
Most softwares do well in vector data management. However, 
raster data is managed and shared by file-based system for years. 
With the growth of the database in size and number of users, 
file-based management shows the shortages in data security, 
concurrency access and spatial index. As DBMS capability has 
evolved into more powerful technology that could support 
complex data objects, larger queries, and stronger transactional 
support, using DBMS for data management has become much 
more practical. Considering Oracle is open completely that can 
be run on nearly all platforms, it has the ability of parellel 
processing and is scalable with high security(Wen H., 2005), so 
it is used to be as the database management system. ArcSDE, 
the GIS gateway to DBMS(ESRI, 2004), can be seemed as a 
continuous spatial data model. It can fuse spatial data into all 
commercial DBMS, and provide effective services for spatial 
and non-spatial data. Accordingly, the information insurance 
system of SAR reference images uses Oracle and ArcSDE to 
build it. The design of database is based on ArcSDE technology, 
and the development of the database is based on VC and 
ArcEngine. Data is organized based on GeoDatabase, thus the

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