Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Figure 3 Function Modules of the System 
4.1 ArcSDE 
ArcSDE, the spatial data engine by ESRI, is a kind of middle 
ware. Users can store, manage and obtain spatial data using the 
interfaces provided by ArcSDE. 
4.2 ArcEngine 
ArcEngine is composed of a group of key packages of 
ArcObjects. It provides integrated embedded GIS COM library. 
The objects of ArcEngine have nothing to do with the 
platforms, so it can be called by various programming interface. 
Applications developed by ArcEngine can be independent from 
ArcGIS, which can reduce the expenses and make develop 
easily and efficiently(Chen D.Y. et al, 2006). 
4.3 Database Technology 
DBMS is used to improve the capability of the system: the 
transaction mechanism helps the researchers to restore the data 
from misoperations; the index mechanism can obtain required 
data quickly and efficiently; the security mechanism keeps the 
reliability of the data, which satisfies the demands of the 
information insurance system. 
Mainstream spatial database model is used in this paper, and 
SAR images are brought into the database of SAR reference 
images. A target region is taken for example to study on the 
establishing and integrated management of the database. The 
final database management achieves the requirements. It 
provides efficient concurrency accessing mechanism, fine 
security mechanism and flexible index mechanism. It can build 
quick index, manage vector and raster data integrity in a 
transparent way, achieving data updating and sharing. It 
satisfies system demands of data import and update, data 
browse, spatial query and analysis, and can query and output 
the spatial data quickly and conveniencely. The design scheme 
is practicable and has some instructional meaning. 
Li J. Li Q. Mao D.J. et al, 2005. Research on Remote Sensing 
Image Database. Computer Science, Vol.32(l), pp.95-98 
Wen H., 2005. Tutorial of Oracle 9i. Tsinghua Press, pp. 1-4 
ESRI, 2004. Understanding ArcSDE, USA, pp.2-6 
Chen D.Y. Zhang H.R. Gu H.H et al, 2006. Methods and 
Technical Research on Mineral Resources Information 
Management Based on ArcSDE. Express Information of 
Mining Industry, (11), pp. 20-23

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