R. Antequera d , P. Andrinal 3 , R. González 3 , S. Breit a , J. Delgado b , J. L. Pérez b , M. Ureña b , S. Molina 6
d Altáis, S.L. altais@altais-sl.com
b Grupo de Investigación Sistemas Fotogramétrico y Topométricos. Universidad de Jaén, jdelgado@ujaen.es
KEY WORDS: Most Right Method, True Orthophoto, Light Orthophoto, Nadiral Profiles Method, Multi-Visibility Analisis
At present orthophotographs are essential sources of information in all areas. The generation of these products in urban areas can be
difficult and specific rectification methods are neededin order to obtain advanced orthoimages that usually have been denominated
as true orthophoto. In this paper, the principal results of a research project (DATOS -Development of an Advanced True Orthoimage
System for urban information source, sponsored by PROFIT Program from the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Comerce)
are presented. This system is developed thanks to the collaboration of a private company Altáis S.L. and the University of Jaén,
using data from the company HIFSA for the different phases of the work. In this contribution, the different phases for the
development of the system and the obtained basic results are presented.
Since the beginning of digital orthorectification methods in the
90s there have been important changes in cartography that have
brought orthophoto to the most demanding cartographic product
thanks to the simplicity on their generation methods (less time
consuming methods and less production cost) and also for the
countless applications as graphical base for geographical
information systems. Nevertheless, the classic methodology of
digital orthophoto generation presents some difficulties
especially when the surface registered in the imagery to be
orthorectify includes areas with high altitude changes.
These problems are specially important where relief is
particularly complex due to the existence of buildings, that are
areas of high interest as they concentrate most of the economic
activities that imply important (and fast) changes that must be
registered within cartographic information in a reasonable
period of time.
In order to resolve this problem different production strategies
have been developed to compensate these limitations: geometric
flight desing (increase of longitudinal and transversal
overlapping areas, selection of the optimal direction of flight,
restriction of time windows within appropriate dates in order to
avoid shadow presence, selection of cameras with less FOV,
etc.) and making an effort to improve the quality of imagery
using less rigorous solutions with low possibility to automate
them (alterations of DTM to improve the visual aspect of the
imagery, patch of imagery to avoid stretching, occluding and
deformed areas, image enhancement methods to extract detailed
information, etc.). All these strategies imply the increment of
production costs and also the limitation on its applications,
especially in urban areas. A perfect knowledge of the digital
surface model (DSM) means a perfect correction of aerial
photography, however, actual orthorectification methods do not
resolve efficiently element rectification problems, occluding
areas, mosaiking of images and shadows. This way, the
commercial methods developed for digital orthophoto
generation seem to resign the quality reached with these
cartographic products, assuming limitations of techniques and
reasoning deficiency in the geometric nature of aerial
photography and the quality of altimetry data.
The most extended concept of orthophoto is based in correction
of aerial imagery to terrain level, obviating rectification of all
elements, artificial or natural, existing within it.
This is, certainly, a simplified concept of the problem to correct
aerial imagery, and it resolves most of the problems raised in
agro-environmental projects: Parcel and Agricultural GIS
establishment, inventories (Citric, Vineyard, etc.), Identification
of Registered Properties, Control of Aid Requests for
Herbaceous Crop Terrain and Fodder Terrain, Land Use and
Cadastral Mapping, etc. This kind of orthophoto, named as
Ground Ortho (GO), is yet very useful in urban areas, however
it presents some problems when dealing with urban planning
projects, because in these areas many occlusions due to
existence of leaning objects in the terrain force in many
occasions to do additional field work to complete the work and
not letting to do a direct analysis and interpretation with
Apart from the occlusions due to leaning objects, there is
another phenomenon that obstructs the exploitation of imagery
directly: shadows, which makes the quality of work worst and
also it conditions the dates to obtain imagery, restringing the
time of the year to flight when the sun leaning is higher, and
reducing the daily window capture.
Finally, it is true that the quality of Ground Ortho in rural areas
is good, but it also presents the described problems, which
makes difficult the extraction of measurements directly from the
orthophotography in elements not rectified: viaducts, bridges,
etc. Also, it’s typical to see deformations and stretching areas
within these imagery and zones with high slope: costs, cliffs,
etc. that could be avoided considering shots with appropriate
Nowadays, there is True-Ortho (TO) generation systems, but
they present the following disadvantages: