Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
& QuickBird.mxd - ArcMap - Arclnfo 
File Edit View 
Bookmarks Insert Selection [Tools Window Help 
□ h m 
& % ® 
|l:457,355 “ 
0 Layers <*• 
- 0 03SEP24175829-1™ 
■ Red : Band_ 
■¡Green: Band_ 
■ Blue: Band : 
4 D O' M < 
45,038 Decima 
Figure 1. Original QuickBird Level IB product. ArcGIS 
software can read the map coordinate directly -Courtesy by 
Digital Globe 
Create Ortho Corrected Raste. 
Input Raster 
103SEP24175829-MIBS-000000198426 01 POOl.T H ggj 
Output Raster Dataset 
| C : \DataDemo\RPC\orthorectified. tif Ggi j 
Orthorectification Type 
Constant Elevation (Meters) 
DEM Raster 
Z Factor (optional) 
Z Offset (optional) 
V iGeoid (optional j 
OK Cancel | Environments... j Show Help >> | 
Figure 2. The Geoprocessing tool that can create ortho- 
corrected image by applying DEM data 
QuickBird.mxd - ArcMap - Arclnfo - lgJK9l 
File Edit View Bookmarks Insert Selection Tools Window Help 
Q y # & Oil @ >o (¡1:412.148 - 
- 0 Layers 
0 brthorectifted.TIF 
■ Red: Band_3 
■ Green: Band_2 
■ Blue: Band_l 
~ j 
4 □ I C II i | 
Display : Souice Selection j 
-110.738 44.92 Decimal D 
Figure 3 The ortho-corrected result displayed in ArcMap 
ArcGIS provides sets of Geoprocessing tools that allow users to 
create, analyze, and process raster data. Some of the tools such 
as creating a slope, or creating a shaded relief from DEM, 
performing raster data overlay, zonal and local analysis, 
hydrology analysis, and so on are provided through ArcGIS’s 
Spatial Analysis extension: 
S Groundwater 
+ ^ Hydrology 
B ^ Interpolation 
&■^ Local 
B ^ Map Algebra 
B Math 
B ^ Neighborhood 
[+: ^ Solar Radiation 
J* Aspect 
! Contour 
J* Contour List 
J* Contour with Barriers 
P Curvature 
J* Cut/Fill 
J* Hillshade 
J* Observer Points 
J* Slope 
/ Viewshed 
Some basic image processing tools, such as image clipping, 
image mosaicking, compositing bands, and so on, are provided 
through ArcGIS core products: 
E ^ Raster 
B ^ Raster Catalog 
B ^ Raster Dataset 
J* Copy Raster 
J* Create Random Raster 
Y* Create Raster Dataset 
J* Mosaic 
5» Mosaic To New Raster 
J* Raster Catalog To Raster Dataset 
J* Workspace To Raster Dataset 
^ Raster Processing 
J* Clip 
Composite Bands 
/ Create Ortho Corrected Raster Dataset 
J* Create Pan-sharpened Raster Dataset 
J* Extract Subdataset 
/ Resample 
B ^ Raster Properties 
The Create Pan-sharpened Raster Dataset tool is used to create a 
pan-sharpened image by fusing a low resolution MS image with 
a high resolution panchromatic image. The pan-sharpening 
methods supported in ArcGIS include Brovey, HIS, Mean, and 
ESRI methods. The two pictures (Figure 4 and Figure 5) below

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