Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Figure 10. Diagram of pixel filter classes 
The radiometric transformation in ArcGIS are supported 
through a series of pixel filter classes (Figure 10): 
ConvolutionFilter class supports standard pixel filtering 
algorithms such as low pass filtering, high passes filtering, and 
so on; the PanSharpeningFilter class performs image 
panchromatic sharpening operation, and RemapFilter class 
transforms pixel values based on a set of predefined pixel value 
mapping criteria. The PixelFilter is an abstract class and 
supports a generic IPixelFilter interface that is implemented by 
all pixel filter classes. The pixel filter class is designed to work 
with class Raster (Figure 1). A pixel filter class can be set on 
Raster through IPixelOperation::PixelFilter method, and the 
transformation will be applied during pixel fetching such as 
display or data output. 
format driver can be found from 
http://www.gdal.org/gdal_drivertut.html; Second, compile the 
format driver with GDAL library’s ESRI branch which is 
released with ArcGIS software; Last, install the format driver 
into ArcGIS. Further information on configuration with ArcGIS, 
refer to custom format driver documentation form ESRI EDN 
web site. 
ArcGIS software provides a complete solution for accessing, 
processing, visualizing, and severing geospatial data. The rich 
geoprocessing toolsets provide functionality that process and 
analysis raster data as well as models that apply to many 
industries such as environmental, agriculture, transportation, 
energy, infrastructure, and so on. ArcObjects, the libraries that 
ArcGIS software is built upon, provides a platform for 
developers or third parties to create solution based applications. 
Raster APIs, part of ArcObjects, not only allows developers to 
develop raster-centric applications, but also provide solution for 
third parties to plug-in their own image processing algorithms, 
proprietary raster format, or proprietary camera models to 
ArcGIS. To summarize, ArcGIS framework provides an easy 
way for third parties to distribute new data products and new 
technology to a wide GIS user community. 
To add a custom pixel filtering operation to ArcGIS, create a 
custom pixel filter class by implementing IPixelFilter interface 
and the additional required interfaces. The custom pixel filter 
class will work as same as any built-in pixel filter classes. 
Third parties, who wish to add their own image processing 
algorithms into ArcGIS or build image processing extension for 
ArcGIS, can take advantage of this open structure. For further 
documentation and example, please refer to the online topic: 
http://edndoc.esri.eom/arcobjects/9.2/CPP VB6_VBA_VCPP_ 
Altimarier, A. and Kany, C., 2002, , Digital surface model 
generation from CORONA satellite images, ISPRS Journal of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, July 2002, Pages 221 - 
C. V. Tao, 2001, A Comprehensive Study of the Rational 
Function Model for Photogrammetric Processing, PE&RS Vol. 
67, No. 12, pp. 1347-1357 
ESRI, last visited on April, 2008, Overview of ArcObjects 
raster API, 
http ://edndoc. esri. com/arcobj ects/9,2/ComponentHelp/esriData 
SourcesRaster/DataSourcesRaster overview.htm 
Some data vendors or data producers have not only their own 
sensor models, but may also store images in their own 
proprietary raster format, which is not part of raster formats 
supported by default in ArcGIS product. To support this use 
case, ArcGIS also provides the capability which allows 
developers to add custom raster format. ArcGIS, since 9.2, uses 
the Geospatial Data Abstract Library (GDAL) to support 
underline raster formats. To add a custom raster format into 
ArcGIS, first, develop a format driver for your raster data using 
GDAL libraries. The documentation for creating GDAL raster 
Toutin, T., last visited on April 2008, Review Paper: Geometric 
Processing of Remote Sensing Images: Models, Algoruthms, 
and Methods, 
http://geomatic.unipv.it/autec/Toutin-1 .pdf 
Wolniewicz, W. and Ke, L., last visited on April 2008, 
Geometric Modeling of VHRS, 

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