Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
The Inti 
Many similarities with other European SDIs are visible. In 
comparison with Northen Ireland’s SDI institutional framework 
(Masser 2007) it could be seen that the MOSAIC programme 
for implementing Northen Ireland GI strategy is administered 
by steering group consisting of the chairs of working groups, GI 
associations and chief executive of national mapping agency 
(Ordnance Survey) what in some way correspondent to the 
Croatian SDI Committee. In Germany the highest SDI body is 
IMAGI, Interministerial Committee for Geoinformation, in 
Sweden there is GI Advisory Board consisting of central and 
local government representatives. If it is compared with Finnish 
SDI, SDI body on the highest level is Council for Geographic 
Activities, where central and local government and private 
sector are represented, with its constitution and tasks very 
similar to Croatian SDI Council. Although the Council for GI 
exists, Finland has been classified as country where SDI is led 
by national data producers (Masser 2007), National Land 
Survey. Slight differences can be seen from their constitution, 
considering the fact that private sector is included or not. 
Coordination is one of the main factors for success of SDI 
establishment and it depends on political and administrative 
organisation of the country. Only few examples are mentioned, 
but nevertheless how the institutional framework is organized 
and which body is on the highest level, the common fact is that 
the role of national mapping agencies is significant, not only as 
producer of data but also as one of the important leader in SDI 
After establishing of legal framework with clear defined 
institutional framework, the first concrete measure was that 
NSDI Council was appointed on 31 May 2007. Other SDI 
bodies should be established till the end this year (2008). 
It is also necessary within a short time upon passing the Law to 
create NSDI tools which will serve for its materialization. In 
this context, the SGA has undertaken establishment of several 
IT systems which are important for the future functioning of 
SDL The SGA geoportal should be launched in June 2008, 
equipped with all of the necessary functionalities for the 
establishment of metadata service, as well as for the usage of 
the SGA spatial databases. In the first phase five data sets will 
be put on the Geoportal: orthophoto, cadastral maps in raster 
format, Croatian base map at the scale 1:5000 and already 
existing geodetic points and register of spatial units systems are 
linked. At the same time Geoportal will have web sale 
SGA as SDI coordination body is also obliged to establish and 
maintenance metadata public service on the Internet through a 
geo-portal. The SGA Geoportal is a forerunner of national 
geoportal. According to the Inspire directive all member states 
are obliged to assure access to the NSDI data trough a 
Geoportal operated by the Commission. At the time the project 
of establishing SGA Geoportal started Inspire directive was not 
adopted (only Proposal was available), therefore it is necessary 
to analyse its concept and assure compliance with Inspire and 
its Implementing Rules as soon as they are adopted. On the 
other hand, Geoportal principles have to been complaint with 
national regulations, firstly Law on State Survey and Real 
Estate Cadastre. Therefore SGA has already undertaken 
activities on comparison and preparing for harmonisation of 
metadata on the geoportal with Inspire Implementing Rules for 
metada (Draft version available, April 2008). 
In continuation, towards the middle of 2008, the CROPOS 
network of 30 permanent GNSS stations covering all of Croatia 
will be launched. This system will be the base for establishing 
of new positional reference system and horizontal geodetic 
datum accepted by the Government in 2004. 
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Figure 3. SGA’s Geoportal Home page 
At the end of May 2007, the Ministry of Justice and SGA 
contracted the creation of the Real Property Registration and 
Cadastre Joint Information System (JIS), which is essential for 
a significant number of other systems. The results of the 
projects will be alphanumerical and graphic databases and 
service, and the system should be in function till end of 2009. 
JIS represents one of the key NSDI systems because it unites 
the cadastral data that are under SGA responsibility and 
information regarding the legal relations on those real 
properties that are under responsibility of Ministry of Justice. 
Two browsers have been already established, the first one by 
the Ministry of Justice (e-Gruntovnica) and the second one by 
the SGA (e-cadastre) where at the moment alphanumerical 
cadastral data are available (Figure-4.). 
Figure 4. e-cadastre Home page 
There are also some examples of activities on local level. 
Trough the GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische 
Zusammenarbeit) project of technical co-operation between 
Germany and Croatia for improvement of cadastre system, 
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