Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
communal GIS for the City of Labin will be established, which 
will gather data from the cadastre, the municipality planning 
department, and various utility companies, and exchange and 
distribute the data over Intra-net/Intemet. 
Being aware the fact that one of the key factors will be the 
degree of education of SDI subjects as well as whole Geo- 
Information market and community the SGA already took steps 
which were directed at establishing such forms of 
communication and education. Thus, the SGA newsletter called 
“Vizura” was launched in December 2006, with the basic 
objective to offer information about the work of the SGA as 
well as SDI establishment in particular. Subsequently, SGA 
recognised importance of education very early, even at the time 
of preparing the Law. Therefore, SDI workshops were launched 
to transfer best practices. Two workshops with the Swedish and 
Canadian colleagues were held in 2007, where a crosscut trough 
the whole GI market was made and about 170 participants were 
The main goal for the next time will be full implementation of 
institutional framework defined by the Law and going into 
effect their tasks. SDI Committee and two working groups 
should be established till end of 2008. 
One of the next very important steps will be adopting of action 
plan with clearly defined activities, timetable and deadlines. 
Development of NSDI strongly depends of available funding; 
therefore it is very important to strengthen political support. 
Transposition of the Inspire in the national regulations should 
be continued as well as Implementing Rules as soon as they are 
accepted. To achieve full coordination with EU legislation and 
activities National contact point for INSPIRE should be 
The SGA is obliged to establish a metadata service till 2010 
trough a national geoportal. Since the Inspire Drafting Team for 
MetaData has already given a Draft Implementing Rules for 
Metadata, activities in this field in Croatia should go in 
direction to monitor, evaluate and comment INSPIRE results 
and to find the way how to implement them into Croatian SDI. 
The same principles should be applied on other Inspire drafting 
teams’ working fields. 
SDI capacity building is one of the main tasks, what means that 
the whole community should be ready for NSDI 
implementation. For the year 2008 two workshops for sharing 
best practices are planned. The next workshop is planned in 
May 2008 where German example of SDI will be presented, 
and after that Croatian GI community will have opportunity to 
see Norwegian SDI model. NSDI publication consisting of two 
NSDI studies (Remke et all, 2005 and Geolink Consulting, 
2006) is prepared for publication in Croatian language. The aim 
of the study is informing the whole professional community 
directly involved in NSDI establishment, on national, regional, 
local and business level, as well as all users on undertaken 
activities and next activities. 
The huge steps on SDI establishment in Croatia have been 
already undertaken. Trough the new Law on State Survey and 
Real Estate Cadastre that entered into force in February 2007 
legal framework was established, what was only one significant 
step in the process established by the SGA in the past. Full 
implementation of the institutional framework will be achieved 
till the end of 2008. NSDI activities and e-Croatia programme 
have to be harmonised, common goals and activities have to be 
strengthened for the profit of the whole community. 
Coordination of SDI is the main factor for success; therefore the 
role of SGA as coordination body in SDI establishment process 
has been significant. According to the mentioned tasks SGA’s 
activities will go in direction of SDI capacity building and 
strengthening its bodies, continuation of transposition Inspire 
into national regulations, establishment of metadata service 
trough a national geoportal, networking other key players, 
releasing NSDI tools in use as soon as possible and spreading 
knowledge and information. 
Arponen, M; Eggers, O; Larsen P.E.; Skender I. (2001): Study 
on Review of EU Requirements for Geographic Information 
Infrastructure in Croatia, State Geodetic Administration of 
Republic of Croatia. 
Bacic, Z.; Divjak D., Landek I., Rasic Lj. (2007): Croatia on the 
Way to the European Information Society, Proceedings 13th 
EC-GI & GIS Workshop ESDI, July 4th —6st 2007, Porto, 
Geolink Consulting Ltd (2006): Croatia: National Spatial Dana 
Infrastructure and INSPIRE - A study and report by Geolink 
Consulting Ltd, State Geodetic Administration of Republic of 
Joint venture of “GISDATA” d.o.o., “Trigger” d.o.o. and “Con 
Terra” GmBH (2006): Consulting Services for system design 
and implementation of the SGA GIS databases and design and 
building of geoportal and development of WWW sales for the 
SGA, Enterprise Viewpoint, Version 1,01, SGA 2006. 
Masser, I. (2007): Building European Spatial Data 
Infrastructures, ESRI Press, Redlands, California, pp. 27-54. 
Remke, A; Wytzisk, A; Buehler, W, Stipic, D. (2005): Study on 
Development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Croatia, 
State Geodetic Administration of Republic of Croatia. 
Republic of Croatia (2003): Program e-Croatia 2007 
Republic of Croatia (2007): Law on State Survey and Real 
Property Cadastre, Narodne novine, 17/2007, pp. 1309-1328. 
Wytzisk, A; Remke, A, Bacic, Z. (2005): “NSDI Croatia - The 
Roadmap”, Proceedings 11th EC-GI & GIS Workshop ESDI, 
June 29th - July 1st 2005, Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, pp 52-58. 
Ispra: European Communities

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