Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Figure 5. The chosen vine-parcels in the province of Lemesos 
After the analysis and the processing of the measurements, with 
the use of algorithms and appropriate software programs and 
the help of the RTCM protocol, the final values of the 
coordinates of the boundary points are derived. Figures 6,7 and 
8 show the boundaries of the three chosen parcels as they are 
defined from the cadastral records (white color) and from the 
GPS measurements (red color). The improvement of their 
boundaries positional determination is obvious and can reach a 
few decades of meters. Figure 9 gives the range of the 
corrections of the boundaries positions. With the application of 
the kinematic positional determination, in real time, the 
accuracies achieved are better than 1 m. 
Figure 6. Boundaries of vine-parcel 1 
Figure 7. Boundaries of vine-parcel 2 
Figure 8. Boundaries of vine-parcel 3 
Figure 9. The range of the correction values of the boundaries 
positions of the parcels 
3.2.4 Case 4: Aerial Photography Combined with 
GPS/INS data 
During an aerial photography campaign, the PSI network was 
used in conjunction to GPS/INS data of the aircraft, the purpose 
being the determination of the flight line (Fig. 10.). Double 
frequency GPS receivers aboard the aircraft were used and the 
technique of relative kinematic positioning determination was 
applied (on-the-fly solution of phase ambiguities). The GPS 
stations of the PSI network were used as referenced receivers. 
The final coordinates of the photo centers as well as the 
orientation angles were determined. The positional accuracy 
was evaluated with the use of data from permanent GPS 
stations. The achieved results of better than 10cm in position 
and 20 cc in angles are acceptable at least as good 
approximations, and depending on the final map scale, as final 
results as well. 
Figure 10. Determination of flight trajectory for direct geo- 
referencing of aerial photography 
This paper introduced a new permanent GPS network 
installation study and describes basic test cases used for 
location and mapping services. 
The achieved results (Table 2) show that the positioning 
precision level obtained for differential GPS, phase fix solutions, 
RTK and single point positioning is actually more optimistic 
than expected (based on the effectiveness of each method and 
the used hardware).

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