Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

Kohei Isobe 
Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd, 2-24-1 Harumi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-0057 JAPAN - kohei_isobe@kkc.co.jp 
Commission IV, Working Group IV/1 
KEY WORDS: GIS, ISO/TC211, JPGIS, Standardization, Product Specifications 
A new Japanese law requires that basic spatial data covering the entire national land of Japan are to be developed in accordance with 
the Japan Profile for Geographic Information Standards (JPGIS). As a result, the parties developing the data will need to acquire the 
technology to develop more advanced, higher-quality spatial data than ever before. In order to develop various types of spatial data 
under the JPGIS, we have established some working methods that are different from conventional methods. For example, a system to 
reduce mistakes by limiting the planimetric features available according to knowledge and skill level. A data input system that 
allows workers to apparently perform the same operations for data entry without confusion, even though they are using a working 
method that is different from the conventional method. These methods and systems have enabled the easy development of spatial 
data under the JPGIS. In future, various types of spatial data as well as basic mapping information will be created in accordance 
with the JPGIS. In order to meet specifications, a total production system that supports workers, software and documents must be 
A new piece of legislation, the “Basic Law on the Use of 
Geographic Spatial Information”, otherwise known as the 
“NSDI (National Spatial Data Infrastructure) Law” came into 
effect in Japan. Under this law, basic spatial data covering the 
entire national land of Japan will be developed in accordance 
with the Japan Profile for Geographic Information Standards 
(JPGIS). (JPGIS are standards extracted from the ISO- and JIS- 
based geographic standards that are actually used in Japan.) 
The national basic map information will also be made available 
free of charge via the Internet and other media. Since the 
national basic map information will be developed under the 
JPGIS, it is expected that prefectural and municipal spatial data 
will also be developed in accordance with the standards in the 
As a result, the spatial data of Japan will be made available for 
the convenience of the administration and the public; but the 
parties developing the data will be required to deal with the 
technology to create more high-quality and highly-specified 
spatial data. 
One of the reasons for these higher requirements is that the 
parties developing the data, who have so far been providing 
spatial data for specific uses to specific clients, will have to 
provide the same spatial data for various uses to an increasing 
number of clients. 
For instance, there will be calls for the planimetric features 
forming the backbone of geographic information to be of higher 
quality; and it is also anticipated that the data architecture will 
be more complicated in order to provide greater applicability. 
The cost of data creation for this purpose will be higher than 
ever before. In addition, problems arising from more 
complicated procedures and more advanced technology in data 
creation will become apparent. 
For municipal services, we have been promoting data creation 
in accordance with product specifications that are compliant 
with the JPGIS standards, and have accumulated a great deal of 
know-how on data creation methodology. 
We have established some working methods that are different 
from conventional methods, in order to develop various types 
of spatial data in compliance with the JPGIS. This paper 
describes the data creation methodology in detail. 
2.1 Comparison of Data Creation Methods 
The production method that we have established is a data 
creation method that is not only compliant with the JPGIS but 
also allows JPGIS-based data to be developed for the same cost 
as the creation of conventional topographic map data. Figure 1 
shows a comparison of the new data creation and the 
conventional topographic map data creation method. 
Figure 1 Comparison of conventional and JPGIS-based data 
creation methods

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