Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

R. Kassner 3 ’*, W. Koppe b , T. Schüttenberg b , G. Bareth b 
a solarkarte.com, Cologne, Germany - info@solarkarte.com 
b GIS & Remote Sensing Group, Department of Geography, University of Cologne, Germany - g.bareth@uni-koeln.de 
Commission IV, WgS IV/3 
KEY WORDS: Image Processing, DSM, DEM, LIDAR, Texture Analysis, Feature Detection, Image Understanding, Geography 
This paper focuses on a field test that locates roof areas with a high solar potential and predicts the solar “harvest” per m 2 . The test 
analyzes 2.5D LIDAR data provided by official surveying and mapping sources. The primary LIDAR data is prepared by masking 
the roofs’ contours and afterwards filtering the point cloud by a threshold value. The remaining LIDAR data, which represents the 
buildings’ roofs, is analyzed according to the slope, the azimuthal exposition and shaded roof areas. The quality assessment of the 
derived roof areas is carried out by means of a 3D dataset which is semiautomatically acquired from panchromatic 
stereophotogrammetric aerial photographs. 
Both a common awareness of the need to reduce C0 2 emissions 
and the rapidly rising energy costs have induced a growing 
demand for sustainable energies. Roof-mounted solar heating 
and photovoltaic systems are not only important technologies to 
decrease the emissions of carbon dioxide caused by domestic 
fuel consumption, but they also help saving energy and 
financial costs. Therefore, today the worldwide use of solar 
systems is increasing. Private investors as well as local 
authorities have a rising interest in identifying roof areas which 
are suitable for mounting solar systems. 
Commonly LIDAR data is used to generate digital elevation 
models (DEM) (Kraus & Pfeifer, 1998; Kraus, 2001). Filtering 
and segmenting the LIDAR data leads to the recognition and 
the modeling of single objects, such as e.g. building extraction 
and reconstruction, and, on a larger scale, to 3D city modeling 
(Brenner, 2005; Ackermann, 1999; Chilton et al, 1999). As a 
consequence this technology and knowledge is also used for the 
analysis of solar potentials of roofs (Vogtle et al, 2005a; Vogtle 
& Tovari, 2005b; Klarle & Ludwig, 2005). 
Nowadays the cost of LIDAR data is comparatively low and the 
data is often provided by local authorities or state governments. 
An extensive automized use of airborne LIDAR data for 
locating roof areas suitable for mounting solar systems is to be 
expected in the near future. 
2.1 Test Area 
This field test is based on data referring to 13 buildings within 
the urban campus of the University of Cologne, Germany. The 
project was conducted in the framework of the CampusGIS- 
project where all required data for this study have been 
available. Due to its location on the fluvial planes of the river 
Rhine in the Cologne Bight, the morphoglogy of the campus 
area can generally be described as flat. These selected buildings 
comprise a variety of flat and sloped roofs, different 
complexities of the superstructure and different amounts of 
2.2 LIDAR data 
For the analysis of the roofs, two primary irregular digital 
elevation models (DEM) of the campus area are used (Figure 1). 
The 2.5D point clouds of the digital terrain model (DTM) 
represent terrain surfaces at ground level, which means that 
vegetation and buildings are excluded. The digital surface 
model (DSM) provides height information on vegetation and 
buildings’ surfaces. According to the specification given by the 
official surveying and mapping sources, the former 
“Landesvermessungsamt Nordrhein-Westfalen”, the average 
point distance of the DTM is 1-5 m, whereas the distance of the 
DSM points is 1-2 m. The height accuracy is specified with +/- 
50 cm for the DTM and +/- 30 cm for the DSM. 
Figure 1. Irregular point clouds of the 
LIDAR data (left: DSM; right: DTM) 
2.3 Stereophotogrammetric Evaluation 
The quality assessment of the results of the LIDAR data 
analysis is carried out by analyzing panchromatic

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