Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

H. Umakawa, L. Zhu and K. Tachibana 
Research and Development Center, PASCO Corporation, Meguro Building annex IF, 2-8-10 Higashiyama, Meguro-ku, 
Tokyo 153-0043, Japan - (hiroko_umakawa, lin zhu, kikuo_tachibana)@pasco.co.jp 
Commission VI, WGIV/3 
KEY WORDS: Processing, Automation, Change, DEM/DTM, Ortho Image, Satellite, Aerial 
Fortunately, in Japan, vertical aerial photographs acquisitions were started since 1940s. Furthermore, 22% of the land has been 
clearly captured by PRISM until March 2007. To utilize the exuberant archives, this study evaluates how PRISM product works for 
the automatic ortho-rectification process of the old small scale aerial photographs. First of all, we conducted a static analysis to 
grasp the overall effects of land change. On the analysis, we tried to a streamlining of the process referring PRISM products. The 
workflow with PRISM product is considered to be effective for ortho-rectifying of old aerial photographs, especially with a few 
available references of the past. 
1.1 Background 
Up to date, GIS and photogrammetry technology have achieved 
a lot of development. And various research and development 
have been conducted with the technology all over the world. 
Now no one doubts that automatic time change detection will 
also come to a reality. 
Most of the cases to observe temporal changes on the land, 
aerial photographs are mainly used. Those photographs are 
generally acquired at different time, condition and scale. 
Consequently condition of image archives is always the wild 
card to plan such projects. We also use satellite images for the 
purpose. Satellite image dataset on civilian use has been 
available since the 1990s. Recently many high-resolution 
satellite images are captured all over the world. However, even 
now the price is still expensive as it was before. 
Problems on archive are most serious especially when it goes in 
practical use. In reality, a number of the available images and 
their quality are greatly influenced due to location of the test 
site and data capturing duration. 
1.2 Small-Scaled Images in Japan 
Fortunately, in Japan, vertical aerial photographs acquisitions 
were started since 1940s. The photographs have been provided 
at reasonable price by the government. In addition, the 
Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) was launched in 
2006 and 22% of Japanese territory has been captured by its 
three-line sensor PRISM until March 2007. Concerning to 
PRISM, highly accurate and automatic processed products 
(DSM and Ortho image) are prospective with the start of RPC 
model distribution in April 2007. Those images are very good 
references to understand national land situation. 
During 1955 to 1975 Japan had a high economical growth 
period. Many topographic changes took place all over the cities 
after that period. Almost medium and small cities archive only 
limited records that describe the changes of the past. To 
complete these data lack, old aerial photographs are most useful 
materials. However geometrical rectification of old aerial 
photographs is very difficult work. It takes a lot of time and 
effort due to lack of supporting information, e.g. inner 
orientation and exterior orientation parameters. It is also 
difficult to collect enough number of GCPs from the existing 
1.3 Approach for Efficient Ortho-Rectification 
This study evaluates how PRISM product works for the 
automatic ortho-rectification process of old small scale aerial 
photographs which are used for the mapping of land use and 
landform changes. To get geo-references for ortho rectification 
of old aerial photographs, we use Value Added Products of 
PRISM. Since PRISM products are relatively cheaper and 
updated frequently, it is readily available as a reference data. 
We present the result of an analysis of topographic changes and 
surviving features within 60 years of temporal changes in a test 
site. Linear feature extraction method adopted to get geo- 
referencing information from map sheets, and PRISM imagery. 
2.1 Test Site 
The test site is located on the western side of the metropolitan 
area at the center of the mainland of Japan. The prefecture has 
been blessed with a number of the environments, such as: large 
cities (e.g. Yokohama), medium cities, bay area (e.g. Sagami 
bay) and mountains. Some of the cities in the prefecture have 
important historical landmarks and large archive of references. 
The central part is formed from urbanized plains. Concerning to 
the western area, there is a large foothill surrounding Mt. Fuji, 
and 1,500-1,600m high mountains range one after another. 
Hakone volcanic region is also located in the southwest area.

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