Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
were utilized to do adjustment of camera model as GCPs. Under 
ordinary circumstances, both old and new features were 
extracted from the old aerial photos and PRISM’s ortho images. 
Figure 10. Linear Features and Common Points (Area 4) 
The reference of linear features is weighted for small change. 
This is more easily obtainable and more easy-to-use values than 
other references. Therefore huge development of artificiality 
has a tendency to trace a part of original feature in Japan. 
Finally, based on the above result, we tried a streamlined 
workflow of ortho-rectification. A result of accuracy validation 
is shown in Table 2. 
Area 1 
Area 4 
Table 2. Check point error 
Figure 12. GCPs and check points (Area 4) 
The mentioned results lead to the conclusion that the use of 
PRISM products is effective in ortho rectification of old aerial 
photos, especially for the medium and small cities. However, 
some rectifications of DTMs are essential around developed 
hilltops and damaged steep slopes or gullies. For such problems, 
we will have some rectifications of the terrain model with 
experimental filtering in the near future. Moreover, full- 
automation of collection of GPSs also remains. Especially in 
this case we could not get sufficient information on camera 
parameters and the flight courses. To utilize the wealth of 
image archives, we must try to add a feature matching 
technique that can correspond to rectify the skew of extracted 
linear features. 
Geographical Survey Institute, Government of Japan, 1995. 
GIS HOME PAGE, Japan. http://www.gsi.go.jp/ENGLISH/ 
(accessed 30 Apr 2008) 
Remote Sensing Technology Center of JAPAN (RESTEC), 
2000. RESTEC, Japan, http://www.restec.or.jp/top_e.html 
(accessed 30 Apr 2008) 
Figure 11. Workflow with ERDAS IMAGINE

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