Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

M. Sarpoulaki a , A. Eslami Rad b , A. Saleknia c 
a Director Technical Advisor, National Cartographic Centre of Iran (NCC), P.O.Box 13185-1684, Tehran, IRAN - 
b Director Technical Advisor, National Cartographic Centre of Iran (NCC), P.O.Box 13185-1684, Tehran, IRAN — 
c Photogrammerty Department Expert, National Cartographic Centre of Iran (NCC), P.O.Box 13185-1684, Tehran, 
IRAN - saleknia@ncc.org.ir 
Commission IV, WG IV/1 
KEY WORDS: E-Govemment, Spatial Data Infrastructure, Data management, Digital Mapping 
As an accepted definition, E-govemments can be considered as use of information and communication technology in public 
administrations combined with an organizational change and new skills in order to improve public services and strengthen support to 
public policies. With this regard, National Mapping Organizations (NMOs) around the world have to stabilize their position in the 
future government body by playing an effective role in establishing E-Govemment within country. As a general rule, 
implementation of E-Govemment concept in NMOs will result to change in document and data exchange process inside and outside 
organization, demand to simple and free access to their products and information, better responsibility to customers, improvement in 
working process of technical and administration sections, reduction in costs and in one word, more efficient and effective 
In this paper we try to report the recent achievements and developments in this subject in National Cartographic Centre of Iran 
(NCC) which actually act as Iranian national mapping organization. In the first step, concepts and models for implementation of E- 
Govemment concept and role of Spatial Information in it will be explained with focus on Government to Citizens relations (G2C), 
Government to Business services (G2B) and Government to Government relations (G2G). in the next part, the current situation of E- 
Govemance in Iran in different aspects will be discussed. Suitable role of National Cartographic Centre of Iran in E-Govemment 
concept will shape the next part. The last part of this paper will focus on proper policies and plans for NCC in order to play an 
effective role in E-Govemment. 
One of the basic policies for democratic governance around the 
globe is to decrease the administrative size and costs and to 
increase the functionality of government body. This is the 
motivation behind research activities within governments for 
utilizing them to new methods and technology. Based on this 
fact, the target point for this kind of governments can be 
considered as proper use of information and communication 
technology in public administrations combined with an 
organizational change and new skills in order to improve public 
services and strengthen support to public policies. This will lead 
us to the E-Govemment concept which is commonly defined as 
“continuous and safe execution of the mutual duties and 
services between government and citizens in the environment of 
electronic communication and transaction”. Obviously, based 
on these definitions, one can consider E-Govemment concept as 
a proper basis of good and efficient governance, keeping in 
mind that E-Govemment is more about government than about 
It is proven that incorporation of spatial information in the 
provision of E-Govemment will bring benefits to the citizen in 
terms of relevance and ease of use and to government in terms 
of improved management of public resources, particularly in 
promoting better planning and targeting policies to address 
problems of local communities. National mapping organizations 
as part of government body and providers of spatial information 
which are an important part of governmental information 
infrastructure have to be more active in this area in order to 
survive in this new era and find their proper place in the future 
Electronic Governments. 
In Islamic Republic of Iran, the same policy has been followed 
by government during the last few years. During these years, 
more than 1000 web sites related to governmental organizations 
and agencies have been established and despite all deficiencies, 
they are working as part of government digital public relation 
and public service providers. In addition, electronic government 
offices with authorized access to police, cadastre and other 
governmental databases, are working around the country as a 
right step toward E-Govemance concept. 
National Cartographic Centre of Iran not only doesn't consider 
itself as an exception to this rule but also is trying to stabilize its 
position in the future government body with playing an 
effective role in establishing E-Govemment within country. As 
a general rule, implementation of E-Govemment concept in 
NCC will result to change in document and data exchange 
process inside and outside organization, demand to simple and 
free access to our products and information, better 
responsibility to our customers, improvement in working 
process of technical and administration sections, reduction in

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