Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetrv. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
with the academic experts in the field of sea area environment 
to draw up standard specifications (explanation of data 
structure) of the environmental data (hereinafter referred to as 
the “Environmental standard data”). The standard specifications 
of the environmental standard data were named the CML 
(Coastal and Estuarine Markup Language) (Ministry of Land, 
Infrastructure and Transport, 2004). The outline of the CML is 
shown in Table 2. 
2.3 Data Creation 
2.3.1 Metadata Creation: The JMP2.0 stipulates the 
creation of metadata in the XML (extensible Markup 
Language) format. Creation of metadata in the XML format has 
been regularized also in the OOMP that is an extension of the 
JMP2.0. As shown in Figure 2, XML is information language 
that describes text form and qualified information by 
surrounding part of the text by a “tag”. The following are three 
properties of XML. 
(1) It can present a section of data by surrounding it with “tags”. 
(2) Tags can be freely configured. 
(3) It can be read by humans and systems. 
Character surrounding by ”< >" 
RjternName): COD j <7itemName>| 
<vaiue> 2.3 </value> 
<unit>j mg/I |</unit> 
<operation> (^Qmethod </operation> 
<depth> 10 </deplh> x r— 1 
</surveillanceItem> HDatajJ 
Figure 2. Description Method for XML Text 
We have been developed a tool using the excel macro to create 
metadata based on the OOMP. The tool will permit creation of 
metadata without any knowledge about XML. The image of the 
metadata creation tool is shown below. 
TrUUP «*<£> 
t#A<P f'-i 
rz o ~r h rrr: 
llnformation Of Environmental Data 
Environmentale Data Title ; 
Integrated Environmental Monitoring at Tokyo Bay 'Sample) 
looneral Information ! 
Extensive marine environmental monitoring program hac 
at Tokyo Bay since2001 to 2004 It gives back ground d 
understanding of water circulation mechanem.environnn 
bay-ocean interactions at Tokyo Bay (Sample) 
a ta for a better 
entai status, and 
Poi nt. 0 f Conta d. i 
individual Name 
organization Name 
Mnistry of Landjnfrastructure and Transport 
c ! 
) j 
222 j 222 
samrteftsamcie. com i 
Temporal Element j 
2001 05 
2004 10 
Horizontal Element ! 
Horizontal Element Sheet 
Horizontal Element Sheet 
1 M * * * \Startifundamentallrfc /QteervedValua /t-torizontalBerrent / 
Figure 3. Metadata Creation Tools 
2.3.2 Environmental standard Data Creation: Although 
environmental standard data is created based on the 
standardized data structures, if users create environmental data 
using their own formats then it is necessary to comprehend the 
format of the data in order to share it. The ISO/TC211 
recommends that XML be used for geographic feature data 
format. Therefore, use of the XML format has been regularized 
also for creation of environmental standard data. A variety of 
environmental observations have been conducted currently, and 
in many cases, the respective observation results have been 
arranged in formats unique to respective engineers who arrange 
the environmental data. Excel is used for the most part of such 
formats. Then the observation modes are classified into three, 
and the respective sheet forms of excel files have been 
stipulated (as shown below). 
(1) Observation carried out by continuously changing the depth 
(2) Observation carried out continuously at a constant point 
(3) Observation of living organisms 
A macro has been added to the three excels corresponding to 
the above-mentioned observation modes to provide a 
conversion tool used to change data into the environmental 
standard data. After observations, the results should be recorded 
in either one of the three tools to automatically create the 
environmental standard data. The image of the environmental 
standard data creation tool (for observation carried out by 
Meanwhile it is very effective for promotion of data sharing to 
change the long-term observation by specific equipment, as 
well as such data as has been collected by an on-going 
continuous observation and made into a database in an original 
format, into the environmental standard data. Under such a 
circumstances, efforts have been made to select instruments 
(multi-parameter water quality meter and ADCP), develop a 
conversion tool that will change data into the specific 
environmental standard data corresponding to the output data 
format, and develop a tool that will convert the public water 
monitoring data, which has been conducted since the 1970s by 
the Ministry of the Environment, into the environmental 
standard data. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and 
Transport is observing the surface current in Tokyo Bay in real 
time with the help of an ocean radar, emitting radio waves from 
a land-based antenna and receiving and processing the reflected 
echoes to continuously observe the current (direction and 
velocity) and waves (height, period, and direction) near the sea 
surface that is tens of square kilometers wide. Therefore, a tool

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