Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Combined with characters of native XML database and GML 
spatial data, this paper proposed native XML database based 
GML storage model G2NXDBM, on the basis of this model, 
this paper designs and develops G2NXDBMs prototype system 
consisted of three parts: schema mapper, document storager, 
and spatial analyser. The experimentation use GML data 
describe city to testify rationality of prototype system, the 
conclusion indicates that this system can effectively store and 
query GML data. 
Limited to content and time, the storage model G2NXDBM 
proposed by this paper does not refer to a series of operation, 
such as GML data insert, delete, and update, these problems are 
needed to be studied further and resolved. In addition, native 
XML database based GML native database should contain 
content on aspects of storage, index, retrieve, concurrency, 
security, integrality and so on. Thus, this paper would consider 
factors of storage, index, retrieve, concurrency, security, 
integrality in future, and gradually implement native GML 
This work was sponsored by the National Natural Science 
Foundation of China (Research on the Storage and Index 
Mechanism of GML Spatial Data, No. 040401045) and 863 
Project of National Science and Technology ministry of China 
(Research on GML-GIS and its implementation schema of 
application, No.2006AA12Z221) 
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