Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Figure 4. Results of single strip adjustment (planimetry) 
Figure 6. Results of bundle block adjustment (planimetry) 
4.3 Adjustment as a block 
The best results are achieved by bundle block adjustment. The 
mean displacement in planimetry for all six orbits is 6 m (see 
Fig. 6). The mean height difference between the HRSC object 
points and the MOLA DTM is 4 m (see Fig. 7). The 
improvement of the height difference between the FiRSC object 
points and the MOLA DTM is very small because the FIRSC 
data has been adapted to the MOLA DTM very well already in 
the single strip adjustment (see case 4.2). 
The results of bundle block adjustment are used for the 
derivation of a high resolution DTM with a ground resolution of 
75 m per pixel and a panchromatic ortho-image mosaic with a 
ground resolution of 12.5 m per pixel. 
Image filtering approaches are advantageous for nearly all 
HRSC orbit strips. However, problems usually occur in 
featureless areas. The area-based matching shows a higher 
correlation in textured image parts and a lower image 
correlation in less-textured image parts. Compared to the 
non-filtered data, the image filtering results in an increase of the 
generated object points of on average about 29%.

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