Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
entering this narrow “canyon”. The situation as a funnel might 
increase the height of the waterfront by factor 2-3. Even Tsu 
namis are not expected in intensity comparable with the ones in 
the pacific, reports about Tsunamis in Istanbul demonstrate 
clearly the destructive power on the coastline. 
Building up a good Crisis Preparedness Plan is the turnkey for 
any operational Crisis Management System. A Crisis Prepared 
ness Plan needs a highly interdisciplinary work. Usually an in 
ventory of natural and artificial structures and their potential for 
risk is obligatory and builds its basis. To be effective, they must 
be part of the city planning. City planning which takes natural 
risks into account is an important input for the administration. 
We will show such a potentially run-up analysis of an estimated 
big Tsunami and the population that would be affected then. Ar 
eas detected as risky have to be treated primarily since we must 
expect the biggest hit of an earthquake or Tsunami there. Or 
ganizations that are going to help after the disaster (First Aid, 
Fire-fighters, Technical Teams...) should be organized without 
being endangered themselves. GIS Data help to detect paths and 
roads to enter these areas or to evacuate the people .The ways 
have to be predefined as well as the chaos by escaping people 
must be taken into account. Important for the city and the risk 
managers are information about the stability of the buildings 
which might be save or even could increase the risk after an 
earth shock. 
To develop a Crisis Preparedness Plan for Istanbul means to co 
operate with many disciplines even with assistance of foreign 
specialists. The integration of all data into a Geo-Server is es 
sential. These data must be prepared in a way that decision 
makers can easily access them for the safety of the society. As 
mentioned before, all data for modelling and management must 
be combined. In an entire Crisis Management System, this Pre 
paredness Plan delivers the biggest amount of data. A good da 
tabase is the most important criteria for sustainable city plan 
ning with respect to risk management as well as the foundation 
for strategies and management of disasters. Only such a com 
plete data-collection enables to set up an early warning system 
and to organize a disaster management. It is important to find 
acceptance at the population and to practice the behavior in 
cases of earthquake and/or Tsunami. 4 
From beginning, the natural disaster potential must be evaluated. 
Geological and Hydrological survey is a major task for that. 
Beside the determination of the potential centres of earthquakes, 
the transport path of the wave-energy must be estimated. In the 
case of an earthquake, it is the type of geological structures that 
transport the various waves. In the case of a Tsunami, the 
bathymetric conditions, the vertical water-column and the run- 
up-path are of high interest. As mentioned in the chapter before, 
geological and hydrological might build one of the basic layers 
in the central database. Remotely sensed data can assist the ge 
ologist to detect significant changes from the air or the orbit. 
Radar-data from Satellites can monitor even very small changes 
in the terrain that might indicate pressure in the geological 
structures. Other sensors, like Hyper-Spectral space or airborne 
scanners, can assist to detect anomalies in the environment, e.g. 
the emission of thermal heat, gas or other indicators that point 
out the ongoing activity of the underground. This information 
can also be part of an early warning system, which will be de 
scribed later. 
For modelling the Tsunami movement, terrain models of the 
seafloor, the shore and the land behind must be created. Beside 
classical hydrological methods e.g. via echo sounder, LIDAR 
technologies using laser with water penetrating wavelength as 
sist perfectly in the off-shore areas for bathymetric measure 
ments. The terrain of the beach but also the terrains behind on 
elevated areas are important for the run-up simulation. DTM 
(digital terrain models) and DSM (Digital Surface Models) 
which include artificial structures as buildings, dams, dikes and 
others are important to compute reliable hydrodynamic simula 
tions. Especially for Tsunami modelling, the DTM and the 
DSM are of big importance. 
Aerial surveys using airborne cameras and/or airborne Lidar- 
Sensors are able to deliver a high dense DTM and DSM. The 
combination is useful because beside the 3D data, interpretation 
of object’s type and structure is important. These data are the 
main input for Hydro mechanical engineers to model the run-up 
of Tsunami waves. In combination with Land-Use Data, risk es 
timation can be achieved and the generalization of the city into 
certain risk-levels can be done. Hydrological modelling takes 
place to estimate the Tsunami wave height and the run-up en 
ergy by using the DTM and the DSM. The urban surface has a 
very complex influence on the hydraulics. Also oblique photo- 
grammetric data can assist to model important objects fully 3D. 
Tsunamis cannot be compared with normal waves since the en 
tire water-column covering the shaking ground is accelerated. 
The energy is extremely high even the amplitude might be only 
some tenth cm. On the open sea you might even not recognize 
them but their energy is shown up when they approach the 
beach. A typical indicator for a Tsunami is the sudden and sus 
tainable falling of the water level where a high front of the Tsu 
nami follows. The height is only one difference; the other is the 
long ramp on its backside that presses an enormous volume of 
water onto the beach. Besides that, water can transport material 
that is then used as so-called “weapons” and increase the de 
structive force of the wave. Run-up simulation becomes com 
plex when objects or the terrain presses the water into specific 
directions. As already mentioned, the Bosporus builds a funnel 
where the water-level can increase several times. The water 
then runs not perpendicular towards the beach; it runs along the 
shore and hits the objects from side or even backside, which is 
extremely dangerous and difficult to be calculated. As better he 
input data are, as more precise the model can produce results 
that assist in the further planning. 
To balance the final risk, data of the geoscientific survey and 
research, hydrological models and land-use data must be com 
bined with the 3D data to achieve a spatial risk-estimation. The 
combination with demographic data or at least the modelled dis 
tribution of such information with urban structural analysis 
gives a good approximation of a Tsunami Risk-Level as shown 
The map above was generated using data of the Moland (Moni 
toring Land-use dynamics) project in combination with demo 
graphic data and terrain models classified for Tsunami run-up 
simulations. Even these estimations are relatively simple and 
not very precise, it makes the risk level clearly visible. Like that,

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