Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Figure-4 FMIS Functional flow chart 
Figure-5 (a) FIMS data view 
Figure-5 (b) Generate overview inundation Map 
Figure-5 (c) Flood frequency map- sample output 
4.2 Mobile based applications 
One of the most important components in emergency 
management is real-time data collection at the location and 
monitoring of the events at regular intervals. Further generation 
of spatial databases along with requisite attribute data on certain 
features like medical facilities, relief shelters, field observation 
stations etc. in this regard, Global Positioning System and other 
localization technologies, wireless communication, and mobile 
computing play a key role. Advances in the technologies for 
data acquisition and data access are enabling more and more 
applications of geospatial data and location-based services. 
With the advancement of new and emerging technologies and 
integrated lightweight device like palmtop or Personal Digital 
Assistant (PDA) with full fledged GPS receiver, Photo-camera 
and wireless communication, mobile device based solutions 
have become very suitable to capture field information along 
with photographs and geographic information (Latitude and 
Longitude). A prototype mobile application was developed for 
flood relief management. The architecture of the application 
was shown in figure -6. 
4.2.1 Application on flood relief management 
When a flood disaster event occurs the first and fore most 
activity that will be taken up with high priority is the relief and 
rescue which includes evacuation of the people and movable 
property, organizing relief camps, air dropping of food and 
material, medical facilities etc. This phase is the most critical 
and for managing the relief activity actions have to be taken on 
the spot for which reliable information is required. Timeliness 
in supply of information, organizing resources and manpower 
are the essential components. The information required during 
this phase is extensive and critical since the actions have to race 
against time. The primary information will be on impact of the 
event, the extent of the area affected, location specific details, 
population affected, availability of resources for evacuation of 
the people and means of evacuation, quick assessment of 
damages. The process of collection of information by 
conventional means is time consuming and not cost effective. 
Some of the data has to be updated at frequent interval 
depending up on the progression / recession of the flood wave. 
The basic data required from the field for relief management 
has been identified and the application is being customized. It 
can be deployed to the filed for collection of the information 
and sending to the central server through wireless connectivity. 
The application has a provision for capturing field photographs 
with location coordinates which enables the data for plotting on 
to map server. The filed data will be ingested into the database 
which can be used as a valuable input for geospatial models for 
analysis and decision making. Some of the parameters collected 
through the application are shown in figure 7(a & b).

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