Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

Wang Xiaopeng 2 3, * Kang gaofeng 3 Huo Xiaobin 3 
a Remote sensing Application institute of Aerophotogrammtry & Remote Sensing of China Coal, Xi'an, China - 
imagegis@163.com, kanggaofeng@mhyg.net, xb_huo@163.com 
Commission IV, WG IV/8 
KEYWORD: Forest fire, Monitoring, GIS, Three-dimensional, Decision Support 
The forest fire fighting command and decision making system of Jiaohe City in Jilin province is developed out by synthetically using 
3S technology. By using 1: 50 000 DEM (digital elevation model) and American ETM satellite image superposition, it fabricates 
electronic sand plate map of the area, superposes road, stream, reservoir, toponym, inhabited area and other geo-information and 
guard station, inspection station, watchtower and other forestry infrastructure and connects respective attribute database 
simultaneously. By using an integrative system of GPS, data transfer and call functions, it can realize forest inventory control, 
watchman inspecting post, real-time fire control command and measure of distance, area, desquamation excavated volume, 
intervisibility analyses, flooding analyses, query gradient, slope aspect and other geography parameters as well as localization 
observation and other three-dimensional analysis functions. 
“3S” is a general integration of global positioning system(GPS), 
geographical information system(GlS) and remote sensing (RS). 
GPS is a kind of firenew modem localization method. 
Combination of GPS, airmanship and modem communication 
technology causes revolutionary changes in space positioning 
system aspect. GIS is one conjoint new type spatial information 
technology of geosciences spatial data and computer that is 
developed rapidly in recent years. It combines spatial position 
of object in real world with relevant attribute organically to 
meet user's management for spatial information and to carry 
out a variety of aid decision making by means of specific 
spatial analysis function and visualization expression. Space 
remote sensing technology is one high-tech with 
comprehensive application possessing high speed, real-time 
and other features of information acquisition and processing, at 
the same time it also has high precision and quantification and 
other features in application. Writer and other persons use 3S 
technology combination to successfully develop out forest fire 
control commanding and decision making system of Jiaohe 
City in Jilin province (Figure 1). 
The system is developed out by adopting Beijing Lingtu 
Corporation's VRMap3.0 software platform to carry out the 
secondary development on Visual Basic 6.0 Chinese version. It 
generates three-dimensional electronic sand map by 
superposing 1: 50 000 DEM (digital elevation model) and 
American Landsat ETM satellite image. On three-dimensional 
electronic sand map, it superposes road, water system, 
inhabited area, toponym label and other fundamental 
geography information and guard station, inspection station, 
watchtower, bridge, forestry bureau infrastructure and others, 
and reveals them with three-dimensional mode. 
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Figure 1. forest fire control commanding and decision making 
system interface 
System user interface is friendly, which can realize three- 
dimensional random roam, realize appending, deletion, 
modification and other edit operations for road, inhabited area, 
letter label, watchtower and other ground object models and 
realize delaminating and superposing display or concealment 
for road, water system, forestry bureau boundary scope, etc. 
System can connect GPS equipments to realize the post 
examination and automatous inspection for watchman. It can 
realize a real-time trace command for fire fighting crew by 
using the intersection method to decide fire point automatically 
and to delineate fire scope, to measure fire area and others. It 
* Corresponding author. This is useful to know for communication with the appropriate person in cases with more than one author.

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