Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
evaluation models (Lindell, 1995; Church and Cova, 2000) for 
emergency preparation are another important type, which 
evaluate emergency elements and give some high risk regions 
or traffic networks prone to occurring incidents or causing great 
As discussed, emergency DSS must be able to integrate needed 
data from multiple organizations involved in emergency. The 
urban emergency DSS presented in this paper achieves this 
capability through a way that takes CyberSIG - an 
infrastructure service platform for digital city as a basis to 
construct it. The open infrastructure makes resources from 
different organizations necessary to decision making, for 
example, data and models, are able to be integrated into the 
system easily. As a result, with little difficulty, the DSS can be 
extended to give supports to new emergencies. 
On the other hand, a specific model base that comprises a series 
of models for decision makings in different processes of 
emergency management, for instance, emergency preparation 
and response, is required. In general, incident prediction models, 
transportation optimization models, logistics models and risk 
evaluation models are typically involved in emergency 
management. At present, besides some incident prediction 
models, a number of basic transportation optimization models 
are under development in the digital city laboratory of Peking 
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