Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
F.Kurz, V.Ebner, D.Rosenbaum, U. Thomas and P.Reinartz 1165 
Multispectral IKONOS Image Segmentation Based on Vector Field Model 
P.Xiao 1171 
Change Detection for Topographic Mapping Using Three Dimensional Data Structures 
D.M. Barber, D. Holland and J.P. Mills 1177 
Analyzing DMC Performance in a Production Environment 
J.Talaya, W.Kornus, R.AIamus, E.Soler, M.PIa and A.Ruiz 1183 
An Accuracy Assessment Measure for Object Based Image Segmentation 
Nicholas Clinton, Ashley Holt, Peng Gong and Li Yan 1189 
The Research and Implementation of Dynamic Epipolar Rearrangement 
BingXuan GUO, YuanZheng SHAO, ZhiChao ZHANG and LingYan Dong 1195 
Seamless Mapping System for High Resolution Imagery 
Haibin Ai, Jianqing Zhang and Yansong Duan 1201 
Generation and Analysis of DSMs in Urban Areas Based on DMC-lmages 
A.AIobeid and K. Jacobsen 1207 
A Multiresolution Remotely Sensed Image Segmentation Method Combining Rainfalling Watershed 
Algorithm and Fast Region Merging 
Min Wang 1213 
Research on Updating of Urban Large Scale Road Map Based on High Resolution Remote Sensing Image 
Junhui ZHANG, Xiaokun ZHU and Bing LI 1219 
Segmentation of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Based on Feature Combination 
S.Wang and A.Wang 1223 
Feature Compilation from High Resolution Satellite Imagery 
V.O.Atak, and M.O.AItan 1229 
Object Identification Based on Multi-Remote Sensing Images in the Lacking Area of 1:50 000 Topographic 
Map of Tibetan Plateau 
Zhigang Hong 1235 
Efficient Correspondence Criterion for Gridded DEM Co-Registration 
ZHANG Tonggang, CEN Minyi, REN Zizhen, YANG Ronghao and FENG YiCong 1241 
Application of SPOT-5 Imagery in Surveying and Mapping of West Regions in China 
HaiBin Ai, Jianqing Zhang, Yanson Duan and Yong Zhang 1247 
Research on Analyze Accuracy of LIDAR Data in Surveying Projects 
Han Wenquan 1253 
An Efficient Multi-Scale Segmentation for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Statistical 
Region Growing and Minimum-Heterogeneity Rule 
H. T.Li, H. Y.Gu, Y.S.Han, J.H. Yang and S.S.Han 1257 
ORFEO Toolbox: a Complete Solution for Mapping from High Resolution Satellite Images 
Emmanuel Christophe, Jordi Inglada and Alain Giros 1263 
Determine of Utilization Range of Resurs-DK Satellite Data in the Face of IKONOS System 
I. Ewiak and R. Kaczynski 1269 
Digital Mapping Using Aerial Digital Camera Imagery 
Joon-Mook Kang, Joon-Kyu Park and Min-Gyu Kim 1275 
Evaluation of Possibility of Ortho Image Production Using Spot5 Single Image 
Joon-Mook Kang, Hee-Cheon Yoon and Joon-Kyu Park 1279 
Compression Specifications for Efficient Use of High Resolution Satellite Data 
Emmanuel Christophe, Carole Thiebaut and Christophe Latry 1283

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