Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
not enough information about the existence and the position of 
the bridge (blue lines). Automatic image tools could detect the 
position of the bridge more robustly together with the 3D 
information from the 3K DSM. 
Figure 11 Difference between the 3K DSM from 17 th June 
2007 and the LIDAR DEM (bottom) and the 
corresponding orthophoto (top). 
Figure 12 DSM of bridge with road data base segments 
(bottom) and Orthophoto (top) 
The 3K camera system was proved to be a robust and accurate 
tool for the automatic generation of DSMs. The generation of 
DSMs was performed with a hierarchical based matching 
followed by region growing algorithm. In particular for disaster 
monitoring, the results respective to the reached accuracy, the 
outlier detection, and the point density were quite satisfying as 
demonstrated in four applications. The main bottleneck of the 
DSM generation is the processing time in particular of the 
matching, which proved to be too long for this kind of 
applications based on our implementation. 
A lot of progress has been made in the last years to speed up the 
matching algorithms. By using programmable 3D hardware, e.g. 
graphic processing units, the processing time for matching 
reduces drastically, e.g. for 512x512 pixels stereo epipolar 
patches the processing time is 32ms (Zach 2004). Different 
techniques for fast matching using the OpenGL interface were 
developed, e.g. space sweeping (Bauer 2006) or mesh-based 
stereo algorithms (Yang 2003). Currently, tools for non epipolar 
images and color matching are under development. 
Future work will be the integration of ideas to speed up the 
generation of DSMs for disaster monitoring applications. 
The authors would like to thank Rolf Stätter from the German 
Aerospace Center (DLR) and Alexandra Kollmeier from the 
University Munich for their support in the validation of digital 
elevation models. 
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Lehner, M., Gill, R.S. 1992. Semi-automated derivation of 
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Otto, G.P., Chau, T.K.W., 1989. ‘Region growing’ algorithm 
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Yang, R., Polleieys, M. 2003. Multi-resolution real-time stereo 
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Zach, C., Kamer, K., and Bischof, H. 2004. Hierarchical 
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International Conference in Central Europe on Computer 
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