Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
mark with more high-frequency texture. The fluctuated range of 
RC is 1.83 ~ 2.58, which is in an acceptable range. 
As for the right segmented parameter RS, as shown in Figure 6, 
it is also increased with the texture marking from low frequency 
to high. The image is better segmented in small scale, that is, 
scale 1 and scale 2. Certainly, the region count is also more in 
these scales. RS of the image is between 66.2% ~ 82.44% for all 
of scales. 
In conclusion, a scheme for segmenting high-spatial resolution 
satellite image based on vector field model and texture-marked 
watershed transform is proposed. With first fundamental form, 
the gradient information from all bands is accessed simul 
taneously, and the multiscale texture features of all bands are 
fused together. Moreover, the spectral information and texture 
information are integrated in the procedure of segmentation. 
The inclusion of texture features based on the actual frequency 
content of the image may ensure that differently textured 
regions are segmented effectively. Marking with different- 
frequency texture features may produce different scale 
segment-ation results, and the image is better segmented in 
small scale than large scale. 
In experiments, the proposed method demonstrates excellent 
performance in very-high resolution image even where compli 
cated agriculture areas. In particular, the proposed approach 
gives a better solution for the segmentation of multispectral 
remotely sensed image. It also has an effect of intrinsic hie 
rarchy that reduces dramatically the over-segmentation problem 
of the watershed approach. 
The drawback of the proposed method concerns the heavy 
computation of the multichannel log Gabor filtering, which may 
prevent the approach applied in real-time applications. Further 
study is needed on how to describe texture effectively even 
where the severe texture regions. 
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