Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2 QOS 
Antonio Arozarena Villar, Lorenzo Garcia Asensio, Guillermo Villa Alcázar, Javier Hermosilla Cárdenas, 
Francisco Papi Montanel, Nuria Valcárcel Sanz, Juan José Peces Morera, Emilio Doménech Tofiño, Carlos García 
González and José Antonio Tejeiro Orellana 1729 
VisionMap A3 - the New Digital Aerial Mapping System: Basic Principles and Workflow 
Michael Pechatnikov, Erez Shor and Yuri Raizman 1735 
HUMBOLDT Project for Data Harmonisation in the Framework of GMES and ESDI: Introduction and Early 
P. Villa, M.A.Gomarasca and T. Reitz 7747 
SDI in Two Diverse Contexts - Aceh and Australia: Differences and Similarities 
Paul M. Harris and Kylie Armstrong 7747 
Special Session: Standards and Standardization of Geo-Spatial Information 
The EuroSDR Approach on Digital Airborne Camera Calibration and Certification 
Michael Cramer 7753 
The GEO Standards and Interoperability Forum 
S.J.S.Khalsa, J. Zhang and W.Kresse 1759 
Standardization in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Wolfgang Kresse 7763 
The Research and Application of WFS Based GML 
Jiang Jun, Yang Chong-Jun, Ren Ying-Chao and Jiang Miao 1769 
GML-an Open-Standard Geospatial Data Format 
Sheng Ye, Feng Xuezhi, Shaotao Yuan and Ruan Renzong 7773 
Formatting Display of Spatial Metadata Based on XML 
Xiaodong Zhou, Chuncheng Yang and Nina Meng 7779 
Study on Copyright Authentication of GIS Vector Data Based on Zero-Watermarking 
Anbo Li, Bingxian Lin, Ying Chen and Guonian Lv 1783 
Interoperable Image Data Access through ArcGIS Server 
Qian Liu 7787 
Special Session: Digital Olympics 
Design and Implementation of a Portal Site for the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing Using Google Maps 
Yuan Ying, Franz-Josef Behr and Hui Li 7 793 
Challenging Olympic Medals - an Innovative GNSS-Based Multi-Sensor System for Athlete Training and 
K.Zhang, F.Wu, C.Mackintosh, T.Rice, C.Gore, A.Hahn and S.Holthous 1799 
Special Session: Western Area Mapping and 1:50000 Database Updating in China 
with High Resolution Imagery 
1:50000 Scale Topographic Mapping in West China Using SPOT 5 Data 
Y.Qin, G.Wujun and M. Bernard 1805 
Adjustment with Sparse GCPs and the High-Resolution Satellite Imagery - for the Project of West China 
Topographic Mapping At 1:50, 000 Scale 
Zhang Li, Zhang Jixian, Chen Xiangyang and an Hong 1811 
Image Registration of High Resolution Satellite Based on Straight Line Feature 
Gong Danchao, Tang Xiaotao, Li Shizhong and Hu Guojun 1819 
Research on China Western Spatial Data Quality Control and Evaluation Technique System 
Cao Yang, Song Weidong and Lei Bing 1825 
Design and Implementation of Production Planning Management System of Surveying and Mapping Project

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