Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
In a supervised interpretation of the segmentation result, let X = 
{*,: i=l ...n} be the set of n training objects, assumed polygons, 
relative to which the segmentation is to be judged. Let Y = (y,: 
j=l ...m) be the set of all segments in the segmentation. Let f, be 
a subset of Y such that: 
Yi = {yj: area(Xj Oyj^O}. 
For convenience, let area(x, fl yj) = the area of the geographic 
intersection of training object x, and segment yj and area(-) be the 
geographic area of •. For each training object X;, the following 
subsets of Y exist: 
Y a = {all yj where the centroid of X; is in yj 
Y b = {all yj where the centroid of yj is in x,} 
Y c = {all yj where area(x, fl yj) / area (yj) > 0.5} 
Y d = {all yj where area(x, fl yj) / area(x,) > 0.5} 
The union of these subsets is the subset Yj* = Y a KJ Y b LJ Y c C7 
Y d where Yj is assumed to be the subset of segments that are 
relevant to training object Xj. Processing over Y* is designed to 
minimize if not eliminate the effects of spurious intersections with 
very small parts of very large segments. Define #( Yj*) = p\ and 
/fy Pi = P. Thus, for each training object, there are p x segments 
deemed relevant to it. 
Define the following properties of the segments in Yj*: 
OverSegmentation,, = 1 - area(x, fl yj) / area(x,). 
UnderSegmentationij = 1 - area(x, D yj) / area(y 7 ). 
Here, we have simply rescaled Moller et al. (2007) RAsub (as 
OverSegmentation) and RAsuper (as UnderSegmentation) in order 
to facilitate their combination and minimization on a [0,1] scale. 
We have also defined them on the Y* subset of intersecxted 
segments. Observe that OverSegmentation and 
UnderSegmentation are properties of the segments, but can be 
averaged over the p { segments associated with each training object, 
and in turn averaged over the n training objects. Alternatively, 
OverSegmentation and UnderSegmentation can be averaged over 
the P segmentation objects that interact with the set of all training 
objects, X. The difference is related to whether these measures 
should be weighted by the training objects, larger or more 
extensive training polygons being likely to interact with more 
segments than smaller ones. The un-weighted version first 
averages OverSegmentation and UnderSegmentation for each 
training object, then averages over all the training objects. Both 
the weighted and un-weighted averages can be used as indicators 
of overall segmentation quality relative to the training set X. 
The range of OverSegmentation and UnderSegmentation is in 
[0,1], where OverSegmentation=0 and UnderSegmentation=0 
define a perfect segmentation, where the segments match the 
training objects exactly. Obviously, imperfect segmentations, as 
defined here, could result from poor delineation of training objects, 
in combination with poor segmentation. Assuming that the 
training objects in X are exact, OverSegmentation and 
UnderSegmentation also have the nice property of identifying 
segments that match the training objects more or less perfectly. 
Combining the measures could result in a method to sort or rank 
the segments (for classification purposes) in terms of agreement 
with the furnished training objects. 
The two dimensional space defined by OverSegmentation and 
UnderSegmentation is the unit square S. As a result of the fact 
that the ideal segmentation result is a point at the origin in this 
space, the Euclidean norm of a vector with coordinates 
(OverSegmentation, UnderSegmentation) is a measure for the 
quality of a segmentation (Levine and Nazif (1982) first propose 
this and an absolute value based combination of metrics). Let the 
“distance” index D be as follows: 
D = -yI OverSegmen tation 2 + UnderSegme ntation 2 
This index D should be interpreted as the “closeness” in the space 
defined above to an ideal segmentation result, in the context of a 
pre-defined training set. In this context, D is in [0, 2 12 ]. The 
distance index can be defined for each segment yj in Y*, averaged 
over each training object x„ or averaged over the set of all training 
objects X to produce a composite index for the entire segmentation 
The imagery we used is a 3 band (RGB) aerial image of an urban 
area in San Francisco, California, USA. Resolution is 
approximately 0.174 meters. Using the imagery and parameter 
combinations described by Holt et al. (under review), we obtained 
segmentation results for two different software packages: 
eCognition (http://www.definiens.com) and ASTRO 
(http://berkenviro.com/berkeleyimgseg/). Both of these programs 
use a region merging technique to obtain a complete spatial 
partition of the input image pixels. ASTRO is developed based on 
the region merging algorithms described in Benz et al. (2003). 
Both software packages perform segmentation and export the 
results as polygons in the ESRI shapefile format. In total, 150 
parameter combinations were examined for scale, smoothness and 
color according to {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}x{0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 
0.9}x{0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9}, respectively. Using the resultant 
shapefile from each parameter combination, we computed the 
measures in the Java environment using JTS 
(http://www.vividsolutions.com/jts/jtshome.htm) and GeoTools 
For training sets, we digitized 119 vehicles (cars and trucks) as 
simple rectangles, 48 tree crowns, and 36 building rooftops for a 
total of 203 training shapes. Relative to these training object sets 
(vehicles, trees, buildings and combined), we computed 
OverSegmentation and UnderSegmentation for each combination 
of parameters in each software package and examined the 
goodness D when averaged over the n training objects in X and 
averaged over _y ; G Yj*, V ij. Resultant segmentation results 
were visually examined and interpreted. The results are reported 
Figure 1 shows the overall segmentation results when 
OverSegmentation and UnderSegmentation are averaged over yj 
G Yj*, V ij (left) and when OverSegmentation and 
UnderSegmentation are first averaged for each training object, 
then averaged over all training objects (right). The behavior of 
eCognition and ASTRO in response to parameter variation is 
illustrated in Figure 1.

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