Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

Junhui ZHANG, Xiaokun ZHU, Bing LI 
Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping, 15, Yangfangdian, Haidian District, Beijing, China - Summer6028@126.com 
KEY WORDS: Satellite Remote Sensing, Updating, Image Understanding, Change Detection, Topographic Mapping, 
High-Resolution Image, Matching, Revision 
detection method, the other is to compare new method and current method on omission of changed road and a comprehensive 
evaluation is presented. As a result, the change detection method this paper put forwards is able to detect disappeared or partial 
changed roads efficiently, improves the level of automation of change detection. The road map updating methods of “revision based 
veracity. Firstly the change detection method for map road 
feature is presented, secondly applies the method to map road Figure 1 The flowchart of map road feature updating method 
revision and put forward a new method of road updating, lastly 
experiments are presented using IKONOS image and the map this flowchart, the updating is divided to two parts, one is 
of 1:2000 in scale: One is to testify the efficiency of change change detection, and the other is revision. The change 
detection method; the other is to compare new method and detection including the detection to partial changed or 
current method on omission of changed road and evaluation is diminished road and new added road, the former is 
Commission IV: WgS-PS: IV/9 
Road feature is one of the most important features of urban. The change of road reflects construction speed of an urban, map road 
updating timely and exactly becomes an urgent issue. Current method updating of road feature is carried out complete manually, and 
has the disadvantage of tending to lose changed road and low automatic level. 
The updating of map road feature including two parts: one is change detection, and the other is map road revision. Map road updating 
method which is used currently is to do the change detection and map revision at the same time manually, which is tending to lose 
changed road, and the automatic level is low. This paper designed a new method to update map road feature named “revision based 
on change detection”, it detects disappeared or partial changed road primarily and then revise changed road according to the change 
detection result. Firstly the change detection method for map road feature is presented, secondly applies the method to map road 
revision and put forward a new method of road updating, lastly experiments are presented. One is to testify the efficiency of change 
on change detection” this paper put forwards avoids omission of disappeared or partial changed roads, and improves the automation 
level of road map updating. 
Road feature is one of the most important features of urban, it 
plays a significant role in urban traffic, planning and 
management and so on. The change of road reflects the 
construction speed of an urban. Nowadays, Beijing’s 
developing and changing rate is very fast, and the updating 
speed of topographic mapping on road can’t catch up with the 
change speed of actual road features, map road updating timely 
and exactly becomes an urgent issue. The updating of map road 
feature including two parts: one is change detection, the other 
is map road revision. 
Change detection 
Current updating method of road feature is carried out complete 
manually, and has the disadvantage of tending to lose changed 
road and low automatic level. The aim of this paper is to find a 
new method to update road in map with high automation and 
automatically and the latter is semi-automatically. Based on the 
result of change detection, revise the changed road feature 
The map road feature updating method of this paper is 
generalized to “revision based on change detection”, the 
flowchart is as Figure 1: 
The current map road feature updating method is different from 
our method, it combine the change detection and feature 
revision together. The flowchart of current updating method is 
as Figure 2.

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