Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

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HaiBin Ai a ’ b ’*, Jianqing Zhang 3 , Yanson Duan b , Yong Zhang 1 
School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, 430074 Wuhan, Hubei, China 
b Supresoft Incorporation, 430079 Wuhan, Hubei, China - 
Commission WgS-PS: Working Group IV/9 
KEY WORDS: Satellite Remote Sensing, Digital Maps, Digital Photogrammetry, Absolute Orientation, Topographic Mapping, 
SPOT-5, Image Fusion 
During the past 50 years, there are no topographic maps at scaled of 1:50,000 in the West Regions of China. Beside the extremely 
adverse environmental condition of the regions, the poor surveying and mapping technology is an important factor to cause the 
situation. This kind of present condition limited the Development of the West Regions and embarrassed the economic and social 
sustainable development of China. For solve this kind of predicament, the project of Surveying and Mapping of the West Regions in 
China was launched in 2006 and Remote Sensing techniques are applied to the project. SPOT-5 imagery is one of important data 
sources of the project. The paper discusses the applications of SPOT-5 images in Surveying and Mapping of West Regions in China. 
Within the SPOT constellation, SPOT-5 is the most innovative satellite. SPOT-5 HRS, HRG and multi-spectral images are applied 
in the project of Surveying and Mapping of West Regions in China. SPOT-5 images orientation is studied firstly. Secondly, mapping 
from SPOT-5 HRS stereo image pairs in seamless mapping system is also given. Thirdly, DEM generation by two means are 
introduced. Finally, DOM from SPOT-5 HRG and multispectral imageries are also introduced. 
During the past 50 years, there are no topographic maps at 
scaled of 1:50,000 in the West Regions of China. Beside the 
extremely adverse environmental condition of the regions, the 
poor surveying and mapping technology is an important factor 
to cause the situation. This kind of present conditions limited 
the development of the west regions and embarrassed the 
economic and social sustainable development of China. For 
solving the kind of predicament, a national project of Surveying 
and Mapping of the West Regions in China was launched in 
2006 and Remote Sensing techniques are applied to the project. 
To obtain stereoscopy with images from satellite scanners, two 
solutions are possible (Toutin, 2001): 
1. The in-track stereoscopy from the same orbit using fore 
and aft images; and 
2. The across-track stereoscopy from two different orbits. 
The latter solution was more used since 1980: firstly, with 
Landsat from two adjacent orbits (Simard,1983), then with 
SPOT using across-track steering capabilities (Denis, 1986), 
and finally with IRS-1 C/D by “rolling” the satellite (Gopala 
Krishna et al., 1996). In the last few years the first solution got 
renewed popularity with the JERS-l's Optical Sensor (OPS) 
(Maruyama et al., 1994), the German Modular Opto-Electronic 
Multi-Spectral Stereo Scanner (MOMS)(Ackerman et al., 1995; 
Raggam et al., 1997; Komuset al., 1998), the Advanced 
Spacebome Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer 
(ASTER) (Tokunaga et al., 1996), the Indian Cartorsat-1, the 
Taiwan Formosat-2, and most of the agile high-resolution 
satellites (Toutin, 2004a). 
Within the SPOT constellation, SPOT-5 is the most innovative 
satellite. SPOT-5 was launched on 4th May, 2002 by 
Arianespace from the Kourou Space Centre in French Guyana. 
After completing two months of in-orbit tests it became fully 
operational in July 2002. It comprises two identical optical 
High Geometric Resolution (HRG) imaging instruments and the 
High Resolution Stereoscopic (HRS) imaging instrument 
(Bouillon et al., 2002), which enables both stereo solutions to 
be performed and addressed. The HRG instruments offer an 
oblique viewing capability and the viewing angle being 
adjustable through ±27° relative to the vertical enables the 
generation of across-track multi-date stereoscopy from two 
different orbits. The base-to-height ratio (B/H) is thus between 
0.6 and 1.1. On the other hand, the HRS instrument offers fore- 
and-aft viewing capability for in-track stereoscopy from the 
same orbit. The HRS instrument with a telescope viewing angle 
of ±20° is dedicated for taking simultaneous stereo-pairs with 
B/H of around 0.80. The stereo-pairs of 120km swath and 
600km long (maximum length) are acquired in panchromatic 
(black and white) mode with a sensor spatial resolution of 10m 
but with 5m ground sampling distance (GSD) in the line 
direction. Users could then apply traditional three-dimensional 
(3D) photogrammetric techniques with the stereo-images to 
extract accurate planimetric and elevation information and 
collect cartographic maps. However, same-date in-track stereo 
data acquisition gives a strong advantage to multi-date across- 
track stereo-data acquisition because it reduces radiometric 
image variations, and thus increases the correlation success rate 
in any image matching process (Toutin, 2001) and reduces the 
workload of tuning the tone of DOM. Moreover other payload 
packages such as the same Vegetation instrument as on SPOT-4, 
Email: ahb32@163.com Tel: 13607138724 
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