Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
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Figure 6. DLGs collected by stereoscopic measurements from 
SPOT-5 HRS and HRG image stereo pairs. (A) is a DLG of an 
alluvial flat area. (B) is a DLG of a hilly terrain area. (C) is a 
DLG of a glacial landform area. 
3.3 DOM 
DOM can be automatically produced from the oriented HRG 
imagery and DEM extracted from the HRS stereo pairs. The 
generated image from HRG imagery is panchromatic. For 
generating colour DOM, it is necessary to fuse HRG and SPOT- 
5 multispectral imagery. Because of lack of the blue component 
in SPOT-5 multispectral imagery, the paper proposes a method 
to generate colour DOM by fusing the HRG and SPOT-5 
multispectral imagery. The basic idea of the approach is that the 
blue component is simulated from other components in 
multispectral imagery firstly and then adapts the standard 1HS 
method to fusing HRG and multispectral imagery. The method 
is different from others. Orthorectification and fusion are 
performed at the same time, so the step of image registration is 
not necessary for fusion. However, the SPOT-5 multispectral 
imagery orientation must be done before the orthorectification 
and fusion. In order to orientating multispectral imagery, an 
orientated HRG image is used as a reference image and 
correspondences in the two images are automatically extracted 
by image matching technique. The ground coordinates of these 
correspondences are acquired from the orientated HRG image 
and a corresponding DEM. Then the multispectral image is 
automatically orientated by regarding the correspondences as 
Figure 7. Images orthorectificated and fused by HRG images 
and multispectral images. (A) is a fusion image of a hillock 
region. (B) is a fusion image of farmland area. (C) is a fusion 
of a mountain region 
SPOT-5 images are extensively made used of in the national 
project of Surveying and Mapping of the West Regions in 
China. Firstly, with few GCPs, SPOT-5 images have good 
orientation accuracy for mapping topographic maps at scaled of 
1:50,000. The kind of capability is helpful for reducing the 
numbers of ground control points surveyed in extremely 
adverse environmental conditions of the west regions in China. 
By using the Multi-photo Geometrically Constrained Matching 
technique, DEMs or DSMs can be automatically extracted from 
SPOT-5 HRS and HRG images. Colour DOMs are also 
automatically produced from HRG images and multispectral 
images. Because the physical geographic and natural 
environments of the west regions in China are execrable, it is 
not fully competent for the whole mapping tasks of the west 
regions that only using SPOT-5 images. However, SPOT-5

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