Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Saturnian system. These data provide information otherwise 
unattainable regarding the properties of the icy outer layers (esp. 
Europa and Io), discrimination between competing hypotheses 
of geologic origins (on Triton, Ganymede, Europa, and 
Enceladus for example), and in some cases the thermal histories 
of these bodies (esp. Ganymede and Dione). The morphology 
and topography of impact craters, volcanoes, faults, and other 
geologic features and province serve as probes into the interiors 
of these bodies. These data are available on request for use in 
mapping and modelling of geologic and geophysical processes. 
Dombard, A., V. Bray, G. Collins, P. Schenk, and E. Turtle, E., 
2008, Relaxation and the Formation of Prominent Central Peaks 
in Large Craters on the Icy Satellites of Saturn, Bull. Am. 
Astron. Soc., 39, abstr. no. 11.05. 
Moore, J., P. Schenk, and 8 others, 2001. Landform 
degradation and slope processes on Io: The Galileo view, J. 
Geophys. Res., 106, pp. 33223-33240. 
Moore, J. M., Schenk, P.M., Bruesch, L. S., Asphaug, E., 
McKinnon, W. B., 2004. Large impact features on middle-sized 
icy satellites Icarus, 171, pp. 421-443. 
Nimmo, F., and P. Schenk, Normal faulting on Europa, 2006. J. 
Struct. Geol., 28, pp. 2194-2203. 
Prockter, L., and P. Schenk, 2005. Origin and evolution of 
Castalia Macula, an anomolaous young depression on Europa, 
Icarus, 177, pp. 305-326. 
Schenk, P.M., 1989. Crater formation and modification on the 
icy satellites of Uranus and Saturn: Depth/diameter and central 
peak occurrence, J. Geophys. Res., 94, pp. 3812-3832. 
Schenk, P.M., 1991. Ganymede and Callisto: Complex crater 
formation and planetary crusts, J. Geophys. Res., 96, pp. 15635- 
Schenk, P.M., 1993. Central pit and dome craters: Exposing the 
interiors of Ganymede and Callisto, J. Geophys. Res. 98, pp. 
Schenk, P., 2002. Thickness constraints on the icy shells of the 
Galilean satellites from a comparison of crater shapes, Nature, 
417, pp. 419-421. 
Schenk, P., 2005. Landing Site Characteristics for Europa 1: 
Topography, Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf, 36th, abstract no. 2321. 
Schenk, P., 2006. Impact crater morphology on Saturnian 
satellites - First Results, Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf, 36 th, abstract 
no. 2339. 
Schenk, P., and M. Bulmer, 1998. Origin of mountains on Io by 
thrust faulting and large-scale mass movements, Science, 279, 
pp. 1514-1518. 
Schenk, P., and M.P.A. Jackson, 1993. Diapirism on Triton: A 
record of crustal layering and instability, Geology, 21, pp. 299- 
Schenk, P., and W. McKinnon, 1998. Viscous relaxation of 
craters on Ariel: Implications for crustal composition, Bull. Am. 
Astron. Soc. 20, p. 881. 
Schenk, P., and W. McKinnon, 2008. The lumpy shape of 
Enceladus and implications for the interior, Lunar Planet. Sci. 
Conf. 39, abstr. no. 2523. 
Schenk, P., and J. Moore, 1995. Volcanic constructs on 
Ganymede and Enceladus: Topographic evidence from stereo 
images and photoclinometry, J. Geophys. Res., 100, pp. 19009- 
Schenk, P. and R. Pappalardo, R., 2004. Topographic 
variations in chaos on Europa: Implications for diapiric 
formation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, LI 6703, 
doi: 10.1029/2004GL019978, 2004. 
Schenk, P., and D. Williams, 2004. A Potential Thermal 
Erosion Lava Channel on Io, Geophys. Res. Lett., L23702, 2004. 
Schenk, P., R. Wilson, and A. Davies, 2004a. Shield volcano 
topography and rheology of lava flows on Io, Icarus, 169, pp. 
Schenk, P., Matsuyama, I., and Nimmo, F., 2008. Evidence for 
true polar wander on Europa from global scale small circle 
depressions, Nature, in press. 
Schenk, P.M., W. McKinnon, D. Gwynn, and J. Moore, 2001a. 
Flooding of Ganymede’s resurfaced terrains by low-viscosity 
aqueous lavas, Nature, 410, pp. 57-60. 
Schenk, P., R. Wilson, H. Hargitai, A. McEwen, and P. Thomas, 
2001b. The mountains of Io: Global and geologic perspectives 
from Voyager and Galileo, J. Geophys. Res., 106, pp. 33201- 
Schenk, P., Chapman, C., Zahnle, K., Moore, J., 2004b. Ages 
and Interiors, The cratering record of the Galilean Satellites, in 
Jupiter, (F. Bagenal, T. Dowling and W. McKinnon, eds.), 
Cambridge Press, pp. 427-456. 
Thomas, P., and 13 others, 2007. Shapes of the satumian icy 
satellites and their significance, Icarus, 190, pp. 573-584. 
Williams, D. A., Schenk, P., Moore, J., Keszthelyi, L., 
Turtle, E., Jaeger, W., Radebaugh, J., Milazzo, M., Lopes, R., 
Greeley, R., 2004. Mapping of the Culann-Tohil region of Io 
from Galileo imaging data , Icarus, 169, pp. 80-97. 
The work described here was completed while the author was a 
resident at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston Texas, 
beginning in 1991. The author is most grateful for computing 
and graphic assistance during those years. Support was 
provided by the Neptune, Jupiter System, and Cassini Data 
Analyses Programs and by the Planetary Geology and 
geophysics Programs, NASA. 

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