Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

I. Ewiak, R. Kaczynski 
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Photogrammetry Department, 
ul. Modzelewskiego 27, 02-679 Warszawa, Poland - (rene, rom)@igik.edu.pl 
Commission IV, WG IV/9 
KEY WORDS: Space photogrammetry, High-resolution image, Geometrical correction, Orthorectification, Accuracy analysis. 
The results of investigations conducted within of the realization of research project funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and 
Higher Education were presented in the article. It was the main aim of the research project the accomplishment of the thorough 
review of the new Russian satellite data and the qualification their utilization range in the process of generating of the basic 
photogrammetric products. The methodology of geometrical correction and orthorectification of the source Resurs DK-1 
panchromatic images on the basis of the metadata analysis was elaborated. The algorithms of the geometrical correction of the 
Resurs DK-1 image data which based on the correction modules valid for IKONOS and Quick Bird satellite data and functioning in 
photogrammetric commercial software Ortho Engine PCI Geomatica were the fundamental of this methodology. Two geometric 
correction variants were elaborated. In each variant the measurement of image coordinates of the control points as well as check 
points with use semi-automatically methods implemented in the Ortho Engine software was performed. In present article beside 
description of the methodology of geometrical correction of Resurs DK-1 satellite images the analysis relating to the influence of the 
accuracy of delimitation of external orientation Resurs DK-1 images on the accuracy location of the pixels in the orthoimage matrix 
were presented. It was affirmed that in orthorectification process for obtainment image map fulfilling of the accuracy criterion of the 
topographic map in 1:10,000 scale is required set of digital elevation points (DEM) with accuracy not worse than 4 m. The 
comparison of the satellite systems Resurs DK-1 and Ikonos-2 were presented in the article. Comparative analyses concerned to 
technical and economical aspects were referred to the orthorectification process. Taking into account all comparative factors it was 
affirmed, that the higher costs on the commercial market, approximate results and the time consuming of the photogrammetric study 
of scenes Ikonos in the relation to scenes Resurs DK-1 confirm the necessity to interest of new Russian satellite images. 
On the moment when on the commercial market appeared first 
very high resolution satellite images the Photogrammetry 
Department of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography in 
Warsaw began complex methodical investigation aiming to the 
determine of their usefulness in the developing technologies of 
digital photogrammetric studies. It’s concern to both single as 
well as stereoscopic scenes. In the aim of the determination of 
geometrical accuracy of these images the authors of the present 
article was analyzed the results of hitherto existing studies on 
the basis of acquired in this range experiences and was 
compared them with the results of photogrammetric studies of 
the blocks of aerial image made by the cameras with the 
registration of the perspective centers measured by the dGPS 
method. The source data used to this kind of analyses were 
mainly images of the Ikonos or Quick Bird satellite system. 
When in 2006 year appeared on the orbit Resurs DK-1 in the 
interest circle of the investigative team was foundling new 
Russian satellite system. In the same year in the Institute of 
Geodesy and Cartography was began the realization of the 
research project funded by the Ministry Science and Higher 
Education. The main aim of this project was the realization of 
complex methodical study to letting present for Polish scientists 
of the propriety of Resurs DK-1 satellite images in the face of 
growing requirements for present photogrammetric products. 
The elaboration of the methodology of geometrical correction 
and the methodology of orthoimage generating as well the 
comparison of accuracy of the Resurs DK-1 products with the 
accuracy products obtained from Ikonos images was the 
technological aim of this project. The got results of this study 
were one from first which were presented and published on the 
geodesic forum in the Poland. 
2.1 Monitor-E 
After the series of Resurs satellites the Russian space industry 
sought new sources of image data representing the standards of 
world technologies. Mainly this concerned on the change of the 
acquisition procedure of image information, and the same 
replacement traditional photosensitive materials by the optical 
sensors working in the wide range of the length of the 
electromagnetic wave. In 26 th August 2005 on the sun 
synchronous orbit (altitude 535km) with inclination to the plane 
of the equator 87.8 0 was began mission of the new remote 
sensing Russian satellite Monitor-E. The platform of the new 
satelitte has the ability to inclination off the nadir in range to 
27°. The satellite was equipped in two electro-optical sensors 
Gamma-L and Gamma-C. The optical system of first from 
them described by the field of view 9 0 was operated in 
panchromatic mode P (0.51-0.85 pm) with the geometrical 
resolution GSD = 8m. The image swath representing the optical 
proprieties of Gamma-L sensor was 90km with nominal range 
of viewing 780km. The image data was transmitted to the 
ground station with the rate of 122.8 Mb/s and recorded in

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