Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
(a) Singapore (8192 x 8192) (b) Switzerland (1000 x 1000) 
Figure 1: Quickbird data used for simulations, original Pan and Xs images are orthorecti fled and fusioned 
4.1 Intercomponent transform 
One of the most critical options for efficient use of the JPEG 2000 
standard on high resolution satellite image resides in the mul 
ticomponent transform. The part 1 of the standard only makes 
provision for the three bands color transform. In part 2, it be 
comes possible to specify an ad-hoc transform. Using a specific 
transform with fixed coefficients computed on a set of images 
(Thiebaut et al., 2007). 
Spectral bands of high resolution satellite images present a strong 
correlation. This is particularly the case after the PAN-sharpening 
step. Thus, it is important to decorrelate these images before 
compressing them. After the intercomponent transform, images 
B' 0 , B[, B' 2 and B 3 are compressed with JPEG 2000 and the rate 
allocation is common to all the transformed bands. Three differ 
ent situations of reasonable complexity are studied: 
• No intercomponent transform to keep the compatibility with 
part I of JPEG 2000 standard. 
B 3 
A YCbCr transform on the first three band and no transform 
for the fourth one. 
B 0 
B 3 
-0.7141 3 6 
A transformation by an average Karhunen-Loeve (KLT) ob 
tain on a big image data set with similar spectral character 
istics (sensor dependant) (Thiebaut et al., 2007): 
b 0 
0.32418259 -0.3069099 
0.58451217 -0.38087386 
0.52300888 -0.23381439 
0.52887922 0.84028111 
Fig. 2(a) and 2(b) show that using the part 2 extension enables a 
gain of 5 to 8 dB PSNR. 
4.2 Vector data 
Using the Geographic Markup Language (GML) standard (GML 
in JPEG 2000 for Geographic Imagery (GMLJP2) Encoding Spec 
ification, 2006), JPEG 2000 is able to handle complex metadata 
directly in the compressed stream. This is an advantage as com 
plex product can be presented in a simple way. 
The GML standard defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium 
(OGC) can modelize, carry and save geographical data in the 
XML format. This standard can describe: 
• geographical objects 
• projection systems 
• geometry 
• topology 
• time 
• measurement units 
• attributes of geographical objects. 
Thus, the GML standard is well adapted to carry auxiliary data 
with a satellite image. Information can be: clouds mask, road 
extraction result, segmentation result (eventually obtained by the 
data provider with external information), region of interest de 
scriptions. .. 
4.3 Data organization 
In JPEG 2000, several possibilities are available to structure the 
data organization. Several progression orders are available with 
JPEG 2000. They are denoted with the letters LRCP: L being the 
quality Layer, R the Resolution, C the Component and P the Par 
tition of the image. Order of the letter indicates the organization 
of the different property progression. The default order LRCP is 
illustrated on Fig. 3. 
The five available progression orders are: 

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