Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

Ahmed F. Elaksher 
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt - ahmedelaskher@yahoo.com 
KEYWORDS: Rectification, Satellite Images, Linear Features, Transformation Models 
Advances in remote sensing technologies demonstrated the capability to acquire high quality metric information from satellite 
images. The IKONOS satellite image, for example, has a pixel size of one meter. The sensor model parameters are not yet released. 
This motivate the use of empirical transformation models to represent the relationship between image space coordinates and object 
space coordinates. Most of the employed transformation models are based on point features. However, these transformation models 
could be driven using linear features. Linear features are easier to digitize than point features and they improve both the geometric 
strength and the redundancy of the adjustment model. This research investigates the rectification of a single Geo panchromatic 
IKONOS image using different line-based transformation models. Experiments are conducted using the 2D line-based 
transformation models using 6 and 8 parameters and the line-based DLT model. Different sets of ground control lines are tested. 
Results showed that less than two meters horizontal RMSE could be achieved. In addition, insignificant differences are noticed 
between the transformation parameters computed using the point-based and the line-based transformation models. Results are 
compared with those of point based transformation model and they are stable. 
The recent introduction of IKONOS and other high-resolution 
commercial satellite imaging systems has initiated a new era for 
large scale mapping. Space Imaging provides a number of 
IKONOS image products with different processing levels 
including the Geo, Reference, Pro, Precision and Precision Plus 
products that have corresponding absolute positioning accuracy 
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 25, 11.8, 4.8, 1.9 and 0.9 
meters, respectively [1]. Highly accurate products, such as 
Precision and Precision Plus, are much more expensive than the 
Geo products. Space Imaging has refused to release information 
on the sensor model for the IKONOS imaging system, as well 
the precise in-flight position and the attitude data of the imaging 
sensor. The orientation information of IKONOS images is 
available in the form of a so-called Rational Functions (RF) 
model. Recently, several 2D and 3D transformation models 
have been employed to register IKONOS stereo images using 
different sets of ground control points. Different investigations 
reported that the rectification of a single Geo panchromatic 
IKONOS image using point features could achieve the required 
accuracy for large scale mapping. Most of these investigation 
are done using point features. 
Recently, line based modelling has stimulated a great interest. 
Different investigation have been done on the use of linear 
features in digital photogrammetry. The advantages of 
employing linear features in digital photogrammetry is 
summarized in [2]. Linear features add more information, they 
have higher semantic than point features, and they are easier to 
detect than point features. Geometric constraints are more likely 
to exist among linear features. This will eventually improve the 
adjustment process. Moreover, linear features have the 
advantage that they can be defined by segments. They can be 
easily delineated in digital images either manually or 
automatically. Corresponding ground space lines could be 
identified from digital maps, GIS layers, or by GPS surveying 
This research investigates the potential of using straight lines to 
rectify a single IKONOS Geo panchromatic image. The line- 
based 6 parameters transformation model, the 8 parameters 
transformation model, and the Direct Linear Transformation 
(DLT) model are presented and examined. Different sets of 
Ground Control Lines (GCLs) are generated and tested. 
Checklines and checkpoints are used to evaluate the 
rectification process. Results showed an RMSE of about one 
meter using line based transformation models using either 6 or 
8 parameters with 6 GCLs. The DLT model showed an RMSE 
of about two meters. The results were stable and showed 
insignificant differences between different sets of GCLs. In 
addition, the results are compared with the results of the point- 
based transformation models and insignificant differences 
between the parameters are noticed. 
Recent advances in mapping technology satellite have produced 
high resolution satellite imaging systems. Mapping systems 
based on high-resolution satellite images are increasing. The 
accuracy of these systems is still under investigation. 
Researchers mainly focus on the analysis and assessment of 
using point based transformation models in the rectification of 
satellite images. For example, the use of the Rational 
Polynomial Coefficients (RPCs) to model the IKONOS sensor 
using ground control is investigated in [3] and [4]. 
A number of investigations have been reported concerning the 
accuracy attainable by various methods of processing IKONOS 
stereo images. For example, a full suite of new methods and 
software package SAT-PP (Satellite Image Precision Processing) 
for the precision processing of satellite images is developed and

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