Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

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a Photogrammetry Department of KNToosi University Of Technology Tehran, Iran - maryamnikfar@yahoo.com 
b Photogrammetry Department of KNToosi University Of Technology Tehran, Iran - valadanzouj@kntu.ac.ir 
c Geomatic College of National Cartography Center (NCC), Tehran, Iran - Sadeghian@ncc.neda.net.ir 
d Photogrammetry Department of KNToosi University Of Technology Tehran, Iran - m_mokhtarzade@yahoo.com 
^Photogrammetry Department of KNToosi University Of Technology Tehran, Iran - nasrin_roshani@yahoo.com 
KEY WORDS: IRS-P5, Revision, Topograghic Map, Geometric Correction, Information Content, Satellite Imagery 
Nowadays because of high potential of satellite images, maps production procedure and their updating increasingly go towards using 
satellite photogrammetry. With regard to Iran's restrictions to access to suitable satellite images for production and revision of 
medium and large scale topographic maps, installation of IRS-P5 receiver in country provides a suitable opportunity for 1:25000 
scale maps production and acceleration of their revision procedure. As far as, one of the basic problems using satellite images in 
maps production and their revision is their lower information content as compared with aerial images, in addition to evaluation of 
geometric accuracy of these images, in this paper we evaluate the information content of the IRS-P5 stereo images for production 
and revision of 1:25000 scale maps. The result of these evaluations show that the IRS-P5 stereo images, from the point of geometric 
accuracy, have the capability of 1:25000 scale maps revision, also, from the point of information content, have the capability of 
revision for some objects such as building blocks, roads, and vegetation cover. Revision of other objects in 1:25000 scale maps that 
are problematic in their identifying and extracting is completing using other mapping methods. 
With regard to the importance of 1:25000 scale maps as 
National Topographic Data Base in Iran, the necessity of having 
update information for making correct planning, also because of 
finishing of 1:25000 scale maps production project, one of the 
important executive organization worries, is revision of these 
maps (Jamebozorg, 2001). The advantages of using satellite 
images, high time consuming and high task volume of using 
aerial images in production and revision of maps and also flying 
problems in frontiers area, show the necessity of more 
evaluation and studying on satellite images more than ever. 
With regards to Iran's restrictions to access to suitable satellite 
images for production and revision of medium and large scale 
topographic maps, installation of IRS-P5 receiver in country 
provides a suitable opportunity for 1:25000 scale maps 
production and acceleration of their revision procedure. 
Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate on these images for 
production and revision of 1:25000 scale maps. 
Generally, for evaluation of a satellite imagery system for 
production and revision of medium and large scale maps, the 
following criterion should be considered (Doyle, 1998): 
• Capability of stereo imagery 
• Efficient geometric resolution 
• Possibility of access to suitable mathematical models 
in order to extract 3D information 
• Information contents and capability of objects 
extraction related to necessary information in maps 
• Compatibility with software and hardware systems in 
Management stability in continuous production, 
political independence and easy access to the 
Suitable price 
The common method of 1:25000 scale maps production is using 
1:40000 scale aerial images (Standards of 1:25000 scale maps). 
But the problems of aerial photogrammetry, lead the executives 
to using satellite images for revision of these maps (Jamebozorg, 
2001). The following reasons make satellite images a promising 
source for map production and revision (Holland and Marshal, 
2006, Khairi, 2003); 
• With joining GPS/INS to remote sensing satellite, the 
effectively of this system become more 
• % 100 overlap and B/H more than 1 is possible 
• Images acquisition from the whole world without 
regard to the natural geography and political problems 
is possible 
• The covered area with each satellite image is equal to 
the covered area with multiple aerial images 
• Access to repetitious and periodic information, is a 
advantage for recording changes in a area when 
clouds is obstacle for imagery 
• We can receive satellite images during the year 
• With regard to the multi spectral images, ability of 
interpretation is more through the combination of 
spectral features of different phenomenon and can 
produce variable images 
• There is no expenses except the expense of launch 
and primary expenses, (related to the countries that 
have this technology) 
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