John kamper
National Survey and Cadastre - Denmark, Rentemestervej 8, DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark -
KEY WORDS: Digital Cameras, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Production, Mapping, Work Flow
This paper presents considerations and solutions, done by the National Survey and Cadastre (KMS), to overcome challenges in the
transition from analogue to pure digital aerial image collection. Considerations and solutions are generalized - but are actually linked
to the case, when production is executed through partnerships established by a EU-tender.
In Denmark, aerial images are collected in March and April
every year, before leafing, through a photo-campaign planned
and organized by the National Survey and Cadastre (KMS). The
purpose of the images are to revise the national topographic
map database FOT (earlier TOPIODK), which is maintained in
collaboration between KMS and the local municipalities in
Denmark (FOT-Danmark, 2008 and Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen,
Images are collected through KMS, by one of a number of
contractors found each year in an EU-tender-process.
Each image collection campaign, are planned and organized by
the chosen contractor, according to a set of detailed
specifications defined by KMS in each years tender. Before the
contractor is allowed to initiate the data-capture, the
production-solutions must be approved by KMS.
During the data capture and the following data processing done
by the contractor, KMS are continuously involved in predefined
quality assurance procedures and to secure the overall quality of
the process and the final data material.
Today the campaigns are fully digital.
The transition from analogue to digital data capturing, has been
prepared and implemented through a period of 4-6 years. This
chapter presents an overview of the evolution of the data
capturing techniques used for establishing and updating the
national topographic map database (FOT / TOPIODK), and how
these changes in techniques were adapted into the planning and
production workflow.
From the mid 90’s, when production of the Danish Topographic
Map-database TOPIODK was first started, aerial images of one
fifth of Denmark were produced every year, in scale 1:25.000
using black/white film. After a period of about 5 years, when
the databases were to be revised, the image media was changed
from B/W to colour film.
The analogue images were digitalized using photogrammetric
scanners, and after that processed on digital photogrammetric
workstations for further collection of 3D map objects.
Around 2004 companies started to invest in digital aerial
cameras. At that time there was great expectations but little
knowledge, on how a transition from analogue to digital image
data collection would influence the data workflow on
specifications, data handling etc.
KMS did at this time investigations concerning the digital
technique and how it was adaptable into a traditional
photogrammetric map update workflow (Brian Pilemann Olsen
et al., 2005 and 2006).
On this background, in 2005, KMS first extended its tender-
material to allow contractors to offer the production done with
digital cameras. For a start, digital production was an option not
a demand.
Through the image campaigns in both 2006, 2007 and 2008,
parts of the productions have been done with digital captured
images in GSD 10cm and 20cm. The image-scale was changed
due to a shift in map-database-specification (FOT). After each
production-year gained experiences have resulted in further
revision of the tender material.
This chapter gives an overview of the elements that KMS has
changed in the tender-material around 2005, to do a first
important step towards digital aerial image data collection.
Elements are presented and discussed for their importance.
As a consequence of investigations done in by KMS on the
digital camera techniques, it was decided for a start, only to
allow digital image production with digital cameras build on
frame-technology. It is expected though that from 2009 the
tender could be opened up for production with digital line
scanners as well.
3.1 Image extend