Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
uncontrolled mosaics from the VEXCEL Level 2 files. We are 
also developing (with the assistance of colleagues at Arizona 
State University) an ISIS sensor model that will allow Level 1 
products to be orthorectified by projection onto a DTM of 
choice. With further development based on this sensor model, 
bundle adjustment of Mini-RF Level 1 images in ISIS and the 
production of controlled mosaics will be possible. Finally, we 
are developing the software to import Level 1 images into 
SOCET SET and a SOCET sensor model that will permit 
bundle adjustment and DTM extraction. The design of the ISIS 
and SOCET sensor models for Mini-RF is tremendously 
simplified by the availability of the Level 1 products. After 
calculating the range-Doppler coordinates of a ground point by 
the same calculations used for Magellan and Cassini, it is 
necessary merely to iterate to find the time at which the 
Doppler shift is zero, then carry out a simple transformation to 
Level 1 line and sample coordinates. In particular, there is no 
need for a database or bit map to determine what radar burst 
observed the given ground point. We expect confidently to be 
able to make controlled image mosaics by performing bundle 
adjustments in ISIS and/or SOCET SET, and to make stereo 
DTMs with useful post spacing on the order of 200-300 m. 
Although such products may ultimately be superseded by the 
very accurate, high density laser altimetry data expected from 
LRO and several of the other missions, they may provide the 
best interim topographic information about polar regions 
hidden from the sun and from Earth-based radar mapping. 
Acton, C.H., 1999. SPICE products available to the planetary 
science community. Lunar Planet. Sci., XXX, Abstract #1233, 
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Becker K.J., 2004. Modernization of the Integrated Software 
for Imagers and Spectrometers. Lunar Planet. Sci., XXXV, 
Abstract #2039, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD- 
Arvidson, R.E., et al., 1994. Microwave signatures and surface 
properties of Ovda Regio and surroundings, Venus, Icarus, 112, 
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1994. Venus cartography. J. Geophys. Res. 99, pp. 21,173— 
Bussey, D.B., Spudis, P.D., Nozette, S., Lichtenberg, C.L., 
Raney, R.K., Marinelli, W., and Winters, H.L., 2008. Mini-RF: 
Imaging radars for exploring the lunar poles. Lunar Planet. Sci., 
XXXIX, Abstract #2389, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 
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Curlander, J., and Maurice, K., 1993. Magellan Stereo Toolkit 
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Elachi, C. et al., 2004. RADAR: The Cassini Titan Radar 
Mapper. Space Sci. Rev., 115, p. 71. 
Eliason, E., 1997. Production of digital image models using the 
ISIS system. Lunar Planet. Sci., XXVIII, pp. 331-332. 
Feldman, W.C., et al., 2001. Evidence for water ice near the 
lunar poles. J. Geophys. Res., 106(E10), pp. 23,231-23,252. 
Gaddis, L.R., Anderson, J., Becker, K., Becker, T., Cook, D., 
Edwards, K., Eliason, E., Hare, T., Kieffer, H., Lee, E.M., 
Mathews, J., Soderblom, L, Sucharski, T., and Torson, J., 1997. 
An overview of the Integrated Software for Imaging 
Spectrometers (ISIS). Lunar Planet. Sci., XXVIII, pp. 387-388. 
Gim, Y., et al., 2007. Titan topography: A comparison 
between Cassini altimeter and SAR imaging from two Titan 
flybys. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract 
Hayes, A., et al., 2008. Hydrocarbon lakes on Titan: 
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Res. Lett., in press. 
Hensley, S., and Schafer, S-, 1994. Automatic DEM generation 
using Magellan stereo data. 1GARSS 94, 3, pp. 1470-1472. 
Herrick, R., and Sharpton, V.I., 2000. Implications from stereo- 
derived topography of Venusian impact craters. J. Geophys. 
Res., 106(E6), pp. 20,245-20,262. 
Howington-Kraus, E., Kirk, R., Galuszka, D., Hare, T., and 
Redding, B., 2000. Rigorous sensor model for topographic 
mapping of Venus using Magellan radar stereoimagery. Lunar 
Planet. Sci., XXXI, Abstract #2061, Lunar and Planetary 
Institute, Houston (CD-ROM). 
Johnson, W.T.K. et al., 2007. Cassini RADAR altimeter 
observations of Titan. Workshop on Ices, Oceans, and Fire, LPI 
Contribution 1357, pp. 70-71. 
Kirk, R. L., et al., 1999. Digital photogrammetric analysis of 
the IMP camera images: Mapping the Mars Pathfinder landing 
site in three dimensions. J. Geophys. Res., 104(E4), p. 8868- 
Kirk, R.L., et al., 2008a. Ultrahigh resolution topographic 
mapping of Mars with MRO HiRISE stereo images: Meter- 
scale slopes of candidate Phoenix landing sites. J. Geophys. 
Res., in press. 
Kirk, R.L., Archinal, B.A., Gaddis, L.R., and Rosiek, M.R., 
2008b. Cartography for lunar exploration: 2008 status and 
mission plans. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial 
Info. Sci., XXXVIII(4), this conference. 
Kirk, R.L., Callahan, P., Seu, R., Lorenz, R. D., Paganelli, F., 
Lopes, R., Elachi, C., and the Cassini RADAR Team, 2005. 
RADAR Reveals Titan Topography. Lunar Planet. Sci., 
XXXVI, Abstract #2227, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 
Houston (CD-ROM). 
Kirk, R.L., Howington-Kraus, E., Mitchell, K.L., Hensley, S., 
Stiles, B.W., and the Cassini RADAR Team, 2007, First 
stereoscopic radar images of Titan, Lunar Planet. Sci., 
XXXVIII, Abstract #1427, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 
Houston (CD-ROM). 
Kirk, R.L., Howington-Kraus, E., Stiles, B.W., Hensley, S., 
and the Cassini RADAR Team, 2008c, Digital topographic 
models of Titan produced by radar stereogrammetry with a 
rigorous sensor model, Lunar Planet. Sci., XXXIX, Abstract 
#2320, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

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