Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

Kyaw Sann 00, Takahiro NAKAGAWA and Masataka TAKAGI 
Department of Infrastructure Systems Engineering, Kochi University of Technology 
Tosayamada, Kochi 782-8502. Japan 
Tel (81)-887-53-1040 Fax: (81)-887-57-2420 - 
108007u@gs.kochi-tech.ac.jp, 115114y@gs.kochi-tech.ac.jp, takagi.masataka@kochi-tech.ac.jp 
Commission IV, WG-IV-9 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, DSM, Image Matching, Accuracy Measurement, Georeferencing, Disaster Monitoring 
The need of accurate measurement is a tactical objective to produce precise information in disaster monitoring. A small movement of 
land could be a prior index to the biggest landslide. The biggest disasters can lead by a small unnoticeable changes. The 
measurement of 3 dimensional surfaces changes could be calculated accurately using very high resolution satellite stereo images. 
The availability of short-time periodic satellite’s stereo-pair images are benefits to investigate the land movements when the images 
had acceptable accuracy. Vendors are providing camera replacement models with a set of rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) to 
replace physical camera models for registration improvement. Fraser & Hanley (2003) represented that no loss in accuracy is to be 
expected when bias corrected RPCs are used for georeferencing. Even if RPC coefficients are provided by vendors, those are not 
enough to investigate small changes of land-form, slope displacements. Thus, we should be applied a pliant sensor model based on 
very accurate ground control points (GCP). First of all, high resolution digital surface model (DSM) is generated from ALOS PRISM 
triplet images; resulting X=0.97, Y=0.99 and Z=1.85 pixels in accuracy. This result was produced by stereo matching between nadir 
and backward looks. Finally, the accuracy evaluation of 3D measurement is conducted based on selected check points (CP). Afterall, 
error vectors will be produced by validating with Airborne Laser Scanner DSM data. Even though the result measurement will be 
biased with some errors, the future work could be improved by matching a series of triplet images. 
In disaster monitoring, accurate 3 dimensional surfaces 
measurement is a tactical objective to notice land movements 
and land-form changes. A small movement of land could be 
accumulated to form the biggest movement. Thus, the biggest 
disaster can be lead by a small unnoticeable land-forms change. 
The detection of the changes could be calculated accurately, 
when we used accurate input to the analysis process. Using 
very high resolution satellite images we could be detected small 
changes, if our input has potential in ground accuracy. 
Nowadays, there are a lot of very high resolution satellite 
images are available by the advancement of space satellites 
mounting optical sensors. Vendors are providing camera 
replacement models with a set of rational polynomial 
coefficients (RPCs) to replace physical camera models for 
registration improvement. Fraser & Hanley (2003) represented 
that no loss in accuracy is to be expected when bias corrected 
RPCs are used for georeferencing. Even if RPCs and alternative 
affine projected model are provided by vendors, some errors are 
still contaminating in the images. The errors could not cover for 
the sensor alignment. Ground control points (GCP) are 
necessary in geometric correction to precise (Hashimoto, 2006). 
In this study, we used GCP data acquired by GPS-VRS. It is a 
acronym of differential GPS based on Virtual Reference 
First of all, it is need to generate high resolution digital surface 
model (DSM) from available satellite imagery. Using ALOS 
PRISM triplet data it could be possible to generate high 
resolution DSM data. In this study, we used triple image of 
ALSO PRISM to extract DSM. The image had such three looks 
as forward, nadir and backward; this conjugated triplet image 
could be input to generate DSM when the images are matched. 
The prior study found that ALOS PRISM data is contaminated 
with some systematic errors on along track of sensors. Those 
errors are accumulated in the forward and backward looks. The 
georeferencing result from vendors provided RPC model is 1.3 
x 1.8 pixels accuracy in nadir, 7.11 x 1.8 for forward look and 
8.4 x 0.9 for backward look. Based on result values, we found 
that more errors are in forward and backward and in along track 
direction. In this study, we corrected this contaminated 
systematic errors by applying 3D perspective projection. 
Elevated mountains, river low lands and farm plains are 
distributed on the selected study area. The situation of the study 
area is supporting to use 3D perspective projection for 
georeferencing. After applying the perspective projection 
model, the calculation produced accuracy improvement. Result 
values are in nadir 0.26 x 0.29 pixels, in forward look 
0.26x0.27 pixels and in backward look 0.21 x 0.25 pixels 
respectively. The result of 3D perspective projection give better 
accuracy than vendor provided RPC models. Even if the 
accuracy of result is improved, the study agreed to provide very 
high accurate result. For the purpose, a corrected RPC model 
for triplet images was generated using ground control points 
(GCP). GCP are measured by GPS VRS observation to get very 
precise measurement. GPS VRS is a latest technology of 
location measurement; it is based on differential GPS with 
virtual reference station using wireless telecommunication. This 
measurement produced very high accurate location in collection 
of GCP. Then, stereo matching was conducted by least squares 
matching using available low resolution digital elevation model

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