Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

Gershenzon V.E., Gershenzon O.N. 
R&D Center ScanEx 
Commission WG IV/9 
KEY WORDS: Uniscan™, Alice-SC™, Stations, Geo-Portals 
X-band UniScan and L-band Alice-SC ground stations manufactured by R&D Center ScanEx have several important features: 
- affordable price; 
- based on PC under MS Windows XP; 
- complete set of s/w for data reception, storage and processing; 
- upgrade for different satellites on s/w level; 
- compact design; 
- data availability for thematic analysis in 0.5-1.0 hours after reception. 
There are networks of UniScan and Alice-SC ground stations in Russia and CIS countries - at present 28 Alice-SC and 36 UniScan 
ones. Alice-SC ground stations receive data from NOAA, MetOp, Feng-Yun satellites. Now UniScan receives data from IRS-1C/1D, 
IRS-P5, IRS-P6, Landsat-5, EROS A, EROS B, Terra, Aqua, RADARSAT-1, ENVISAT-1. 10 UniScan ground stations are capable 
for RADARS AT-1 and 6 of them already were successfully certified by CSA and MDA GSI. There are 8 UniScan ground stations 
capable for SPOT-2/4. There are networks of UniScan of Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Ministry of Disaster management, 
Roshydromet, Ministry of Higher Education. Also Center ScanEx operates commercial network of UniScan stations in Moscow, 
Irkutsk and Magadan cities of Russia, allowing to cover all territory of Russia with remotely sensed images. This approach gives a 
possibility to create geo-portals on the base of RS data: existing Russian geo-portals http://maps.yandex.ru, 
http://new.kosmosnimki.ru. Possibility to upgrade layers of such geo-portals with up-to-date information having access to RS data in 
real-time mode enables to solve different practical tasks: monitoring of floodings, wildfires, control of forestry, agriculture, oil 
pollutions detection, ice-charting, etc. 
The main conditions of real-time monitoring of the Earth from 
space are accessibility of different types of RS Data, their 
regular reception in real-time mode and technological 
possibility to process and to make available for analysis for very 
short time (0.5-1 hour after reception) for the purpose of 
decision making support. Today in the era of rapid development 
of computing technologies RS data from space became 
available for acquisition directly to Microsoft® Windows® 
based PC and became indispensable tool for increasing 
reliability of decision making being the source of independent 
information about objects of nature and infrastructure. Designed 
and manufactured by R&D Center ScanEx universal ground 
stations Alice-SC™ (L-band) and UniScan™ (X-band) enable 
to acquire images from wide range of Earth observing satellites. 
Networks of these ground stations enable to provide data to 
users in near real time mode. 
UniScan™ and Alice-SC™ ground stations by ScanEx 
In present era of rapid development of computing technologies 
RS data from space became available for acquisition right to 
Microsoft® Windows® based PC. X-band UniScan and L-band 
Alice-SC ground stations manufactured by R&D Center ScanEx 
have several important features: 
- affordable price; 
- based on PC under MS Windows XP; 
- complete set of s/w for data reception, storage and processing; 
- upgrade for different satellites on s/w level; 
- compact design; 
- data availability for thematic analysis in 0.5-1.0 hours after 
The Alice-SC station provides for the RS data reception and 
processing from the following satellites: 
NPOESS (to be launched in 2013) 
The station consists of: 
the antenna system; 
the receiving unit with universal demodulator; 
the computer interface board; 
a set of connecting cables; 
the software; 
Personal computer is not part of the standard Alice-SCTM 
delivery configuration. 
The station is supplied with the software for: 
control of acquisition and data recording to a PC hard disc 
(Alisa Receiver®); 
preliminary processing of HRPT data from METOP satellite 
(METOP Tools) 
visualisation and analysis of images (ScanMagic® LL). 

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