Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Networks of ground stations and their development 
There are networks of UniScan and Alice-SC ground stations in 
Russia and CIS countries - at present 31 Alice-SC and 37 
UniScan ones. Universla Alice-SC ground stations, as 
mentioned above, receive data from NOAA, MetOp, Feng-Yun 
satellites. Alice-SC ground stations are mostly operated by 
hydro meteorological organizations. Thus, 12 such stations were 
delivered during year 2007 to operative organizations of 
Roshydromet (www.meteorf.ru) within the World Bank contract. 
Figure 6 The network of Alice-SC L-band ground stations 
Universal multi-mission UniScan ground stations at present 
time receive data from wide range satellites Terra, Aqua, IRS- 
1C/1D, IRS-P5, IRS-P6, Landsat-5, EROS A, EROS B, 
RADARSAT-1, ENVISAT-1 satellites with spatial resolution 
from 1,000 m to 0.7 m. 10 UniScan ground stations among total 
number of 37 ones are capable for RADARSAT-1 and 7 of 
them already were successfully certified by Canadian Space 
Agency (www.space.gc.ca) and MDA Geospatial Services 
(http://gs.mdacorporation.com), the worldwide Operator of 
RADARSAT-1. Besides there are 8 UniScan ground stations in 
Russia capable for SPOT-2/4. 
Figure 7 The network of UniScan X-band ground stations 
There are networks of UniScan of Ministry of Natural 
Resources of Russia, Ministry of Disaster management, 
Roshydromet, Ministry of Higher Education (Figure 8). 
UniScan™ network of R os Hydro Met 
UniScan™ network of Ministry of 
Natural Resources of Russia 
UniScan™ network of EMERCOM of Russia 
Educational UniScan™ network 
Figure 8 UniScan network of governmental agencies 
Also Center ScanEx operates commercial network of UniScan 
stations in Moscow, Irkutsk and Magadan cities of Russia, 
allowing to cover all territory of Russia with remotely sensed 

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