Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

Figure 9 Commercial of UniScan stations, operated by ScanEx 
Commercial UniScan stations network provides for great RS 
data archives for all territory of Russia (for example, coverage 
with SPOT 2/4 data shown on Figure 10). 
SPOT 2/4 imagery coverage 
Figure 10 Coverage with SPOT 2/4 images stored in ScanEx’s 
Regular and reliable monitoring from space is possible only in 
case of payment license agreements with operators of Earth 
observing missions because at present all RS data with spatial 
resolution better than 250 m are paid and licensed. With our 
point of view solving task of monitoring in frames of research 
programs cannot guarantee reliable fulfilment of data 
acquisition what is impossible for regular observation of 
territory of interest. R&D Center ScanEx is the Operator of 
ground stations on the territory of Russia and CIS countries and 
has signed licensing agreements with worldwide Operators of 
RS missions (Antrix Corp. Ltd., Spot Image., ImageSat Int. N. 
V., MDA geospatial Services Inc., Canadian Space Agency; 
Eurimage). This allows a possibility to apply flexible policy of 
license payment for users of UniScan™ stations within Russia 
and CIS that makes RS Data reception on UniScan™ 
economically affective. 
One UniScan ground station enables to observe territory in 
radius of about 2,500 km from the point of installation that 
gives a possibility of maximum economically effective regular 
observation of territory within radius of station visibility, not 
leaving office and allow to considerably decrease expenses for 
land studies and survey from aircrafts. 
Wide number of satellites and sensors allow to solve maximal 
spectrum of tasks: detection and monitoring of wildfires, 
monitoring of oil pollutions on land and sea, creation of up-to- 
RS data reception directly on UniScan ground stations gives a 
possibility to create geo-portals on the base of RS data: existing 
the first Russian geo-portals are http://maps.yandex.ru, 
http://new.kosmosnimki.ru. Possibility to upgrade layers of such 
geo-portals with up-to-date information having access to RS 
data in real-time mode enables to solve different practical tasks: 
monitoring of flooding, wildfires, control of forestry, agriculture, 
oil pollutions detection, ice-charting, etc. With such point of 
view UniScan ground station is operational component for geo 

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