Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
resolution). Then processed CTX DTMS and ORIs based on 
HRSC photogrammetic data can be employed as the source of 
the geodetic control for «lm HiRISE stereo images. 
Considering the significant resolution differences between CTX 
and HiRISE (a factor of ~30), the registration is performed 
hierachically between CTX products and resampled HiRISE 
images of up to 3-4 metres resolution and then the intersection 
points and ORIs of the resampled HiRISE are feed-forwarded 
into the next finest resolution. The fact that CTX and HiRISE 
data are acquired simultaneously on the same platform also 
helps considerably. Such processing reduced the possibility of 
the wrong co-registration being accidentally found and 
gradually improves the positioning accuracy of the topographic 
products by the triangulation process at each stage. 
The other important approach in our work is the employment of 
non-rigorous sensor models which was first introduced by Kim 
and Muller (2006). These sensor modelling methods provide an 
unified method to be applied with different sensors and can 
readily be incorporated into our geodetic control strategy. 
The ideal scenario of stereo processing is to employ HRSC - 
CTX - HiRISE multi-resolution chains but the number of cases 
that a target area includes all three stereo image sources is 
relatively rare. A more direct registration between HRSC and 
HiRISE or MOLA and HiRISE was also attempted. Then, it 
was shown that this approach can be successful if the base data 
has an acceptable positional quality and resolution even though 
the photogrammetric accuracies of these products are not 
comparable with the ones processed using the stereo HRSC- 
CTX-HiRISE chain. The detailed photogrammetric accuracy 
check of our stereo processing line is treated in a separate study 
in depth (Kim & Muller, PSS, in preparation). 
2.1.1 HRSC DTM extraction 
HRSC stereo DTMs are a very important source of global 
topographic slope data as well as geodetic information in this 
study. Since the accuracy of the extracted local surface 
roughness and other data’s photogrammetric quality are largely 
dependent on HRSC DTM quality, a processing scheme to 
produce relative noise free intersection point clouds has been 
developed. In our stereo scheme, a two stage image matching 
system was employed. A front end image matcher based on 
Zitnick and Kanade (2000) algorithm generated high density 
seed points for ALSC (Adaptive Least Squares Correlation) 
refinement. The subsequent 3D intersection points from this 
matching scheme and the HRSC sensor model are compared 
with MOLA to remove significant outliers by slope analysis. 
Then the median filtered values at 50m resolution, which is 
around one-third of the size of MOLA footprint, are extracted. 
Such a processing method provides a natural sloped height 
surface so that the calculated local roughness values based on 
this DTM are relatively free from the influence of any height 
outliers and uncorrelated with slope. The resolution limit of a 
re-constructed DTM by this processing chain is actually around 
25m with 12.5m original image resolution if the stereo image 
quality is relatively noise free. However, for the geodetic 
control of other stereo imagery, the most reliable intersection 
values in each matching position are chosen as the GCPs for 
other image’s geodetic control. Then reliable control 
information at 12.5m resolution can be achieved. 
2.1.2 HiRISE DTM extraction 
Currently, the most common stereo coverage of Martian surface 
is HRSC imagery. However the quality of reconstructed 3D 
Martian surfaces from HRSC stereo pair with 12.5 m spatial 
resolution is still not appropriate for some geological 
applications. For example, for direct surface roughness 
extraction. The successful deployment of the NASA MRO with 
the 25cm HiRISE instrument provides an opportunity to address 
this issue for up to 1% of the Martian surface. One of the 
difficulties in fully exploiting the potential of HiRISE for 
photogrammetric products is that there are some technical issues 
to use the tracking information for sensor modelling (Kirk et al., 
2007). Therefore we have developed a simple workaround 
mapping method for HIRISE imagery using the strategy which 
is described here. This appears to produce very reasonable 
quality sets of mapping products including 0.5-4m resolution 
stereo DTMs and 25cm ORIs over various HiRISE stereo 
observation areas. If there is no CTX coverage, to enable 
precise registration between 12.5m resolution HRSC and 25cm 
HiRISE image, the scheme was constructed using a hierarchical 
processing chain and by combining an efficient image matcher 
which exploits both epi-polarity and ALSC (adaptive Least 
Squares Correlation; Gruen, 1985) refinement methods at each 
stage. Also the image matching noise and sensor characteristics 
are effectively removed by a multi stage iterative surface 
matching method. Therefore, this method can produce DTMs 
with a resolution from 0.5-4m according to the processing stage. 
2.1.3 CTX stereo DTM extraction 
CTX stereo DTM has only been discussed in one short report on 
the NASA Ames stereo pipeline (Broxton and Edward, 2008). 
We have shown that our geodetic control method works well 
with CTX stereo images and produces DTMs which have 12- 
18m resolution. The stereo coverage of CTX is not yet as good 
as the HRSC stereo coverage but compared with HIRISE, it 
provides the higher resolution DTM availability at a reasonable 
resolution. The other importance of CTX stereo topographic 
data is its role to link between HRSC and HiRISE processing. 
We applied almost the same processing method as for HiRISE 
processing which is described here. It appears to produce good 
quality DTMs and ORIs probably because of the more stable 
sensor structure which employs one CCD line array rather than 
the complicated 24 CCD-TDI combination in HiRISE. Then the 
products of the CTX stereo chain are employed to produce 
geodetic control for HiRISE imagery. 
2.2 MOLA data processing 
Garder (1982) analysed the influence of various effects on the 
laser pulse width as follows 
_. , 2 2, 4Tar(§)cos 2 S n 
E(a, ) = (a, 2 + o h 2 ) + -T—^+ 
4 R 
-tan 6,(tan 6, + tan (0 + S„) + 
c 2 cos 2 (0 + S„) (0 
tan 2 S, cos 2 S, 
cos 2 (<p + S„) 
where O t is the rms laser pulse width, O h is the rms width of 
the receiver impulse response, Rm is the range from the 
spacecraft to the illuminated spot, 5^, is the surface slope 
parallel to nadir direction, S ± is the surface slope to the nadir 
direction, 'O'j is the nominal divergence angle, c is the light 
speed and tp is the off nadir angle. 
In equation (1), the first term represents a system effect, the 
second the influence of height undulation and the third term is 
the effect of slope. Usually the off nadir angle is almost zero 
and the nominal divergence angle is relatively small, so (1) can 
be simplified to

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