Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Overview of Mapped Regions 
Map Projections image Data 
Simple Cylindrical Priifeclos Viking Merged ipdsrrsaps.wr. issgs.gov) 
Azimuthal Equidistant Project!«* i Poles»} 
Adopted Figure 
Sphere, Radius 3.398&fn 
•jMlj > T&gijfHcs&i Univer^tv Berlin 
«W Geodesy end Geoirtformation Science 
Figure 1. Location of mapped regions on Mars, based on Viking color data (USGS, 2007). Due to the small scale, individual map 
sheets cannot be shown. 
Systematic mapping in larger scales, i.e. 1:100,000 and 
1:50,000, can be achieved by dividing standard sheets into 
quarters and sixteenth, respectively. The suitability of high 
quality HRSC data, which are both acquired under optimum 
conditions and adeptly processed, for mapping in those scales 
has been demonstrated in Iani Chaos: A triplet of topographic 
image maps, a standard product within the regular sheet lines of 
the series, “M 200k 2.00S/343.00E OMKT”, and two derived 
maps, “M 100k 2.50S/343.50E OMKT” and “M 50k 
2.25S/343.25E OMKT”, has been generated (Gehrke et al., 
3.2 Special Target Maps 
Especially in the early stage of the Mars Express mission map 
sheets needed to be adapted to individual orbits by location 
and/or scale. The very first HRSC map, e.g., was a special 
target map of Hydraotes Chaos in 1:100,000 (Albertz et al., 
2004). The “Topographic Image Map Mars 1:400,000, M 400k 
11.50N/312.00E OMKT, Sabrina Vallis Region” with 
additional information from the Catalog of Large Martian 
Impact Craters has been presented in 2007 by Gehrke et al. 
cooperation with other HRSC team members. Exemplary 
products are a geologic map of Gusev area (Albertz et al., 
2005b) and a combined topographic- thematic map illustrating 
the geomorphology of Centauri and Hellas Montes (Lehmann et 
al., 2006). The most recent thematic product is a special target 
map of the Hale-Bond region by Hiesinger et al. (2007). In this 
area, the putative outflow channel Uzboi Vallis is heavily 
modified by the two impact craters. The valley floor is 
characterized by relatively smooth terrain between morpho 
logically sharp blocks of eroded ejecta material (Figure 3). 
3.4 HRSC DTM Test support 
It is evident that DTMs in highest quality are indispensable for 
the derivation of accurate contour lines. Besides systematic 
processing of all HRSC data (Scholten et al., 2005), several 
enhancing and alternative approaches (Albertz et al., 2005b; 
Gwinner et al., 2005) exist, which have been compared in the 
HRSC DTM Test (Heipke et al., 2007). Part of the evaluation 
process was the assessment of the contour line quality. For this 
purpose, topographic map sheets from all delivered DTMs in 
two different test areas, Nanedi Valles and Candor Chasma, 
were generated. These sheets follow the layout and scale of the 
standard map series. 
3.3 Thematic Maps 
Several thematic map products have been generated in

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